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great eats

By Adaora Ude It isn’t true that healthy things are not fun to eat. They can actually be fun! You don’t have to think you are in heaven only when you dig into a moist chocolate gateaux cake or into a large cup of butter pecan ice cream. Here are five good eats that you can enjoy whilst staying healthy: 1. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are the most exciting vegetables you can eat. They are rich in Vitamin C, potassium and fibre; you can bake them and eat them with apple sauce, sautéed spinach or even glazed with squashed pineapples. sweetpotato 2. Plain Unsweetened Yogurt: For those who would ask, “Why eat yogurt if it is plain and unsweetened?” news flash; a can of unsweetened yogurt contains more vitamin B-6, B-12, calcium, zinc and potassium than the sweetened yogurt because it doesn’t have to share “can space” with the sugars and other preservatives you have in the sweetened can. unsweetened-yogurt-1024 3. Watermelons: We have an abundance of watermelon in these parts and they have become a favourite, for good reason too. Watermelon is a heavy weight in the nutrient department. A standard serving of about 2 cups full of watermelon juice contains one-third of a day’s requirement of Vitamins A and C and also potassium. When in season, watermelons are often locally grown, reducing carbon content.


4. Peanuts: The initial thought that comes to mind when you think peanuts is acne, right? But did you know that on the rate of 1-10, peanuts score an amazing 7.6 in the world’s healthiest food chart rating? And that scores as excellent!!! They are a very good source of monosaturated fats; the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Studies have shown that this little legume has proven to be a great bosom friend to a healthy heart.  In addition, peanuts are a good source of vitamin E, vitamin B-3, niacin and also protein. Did you also know that peanuts contain more antioxidants than carrots, apples, strawberries and even beets, which ultimately serve as a preventive measure for cancer? Peanutjar You probably didn’t know that people who eat peanuts at least twice a week are less likely to gain weight than people who don’t eat peanuts at all. It is actually a wonderful way to lose weight. Instead of having dinner, just snack on peanuts and cucumber slices. Or you might want to wash down a handful of peanuts with chilled tomato juice! Hey, yet another tip; you might want to throw in a handful of the little wonder nuts when you prepare your smoothies. It is great for your heart and wonderful for your weight. Nuts don’t cause acne directly. However, if you already have acne, it’s most likely your hormones are out of balance on top of the fact that your body is producing various forms of toxins leading to clogged pores and infection of those clogged pores.  So if you already have acne, the further imbalance of your hormones by eating nuts will definitely aggravate your acne. 5. Spinach: I’m strong to the finish cos’ I eat me spinach, I’m Popeye the sailor man… Remember that old classic we grew up with? Well I do. We always had it drummed in that you had to eat all of your veggies to grow, and in most cases, veggies meant spinach! Originating in ancient Persia; (present day Iran), not only are they good to look at with their vibrant green hue but they are also just as beneficial to the consumer health wise. Spinach is high in antioxidants which will protect against the cancers as well as bone you up whilst also providing the body with the much needed Vitamin C. Spinach can be stored in an airtight bag and refrigerated for up to 5 days provided it isn’t washed as water aids spoilage. Spinach_leaves Here’s another tip: when boiling your spinach, you should leave the pot uncovered so the acid content escapes with the fumes. Serve spinach sautéed with your sweet potatoes or next time you have lasagna, add a few layers of steamed spinach to that meal. We can hardly do much to reduce our work load or quite plainly, the stress associated with living and working in Nigeria of today, but at least we can take care of our bodies by eating healthy.    

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This article was first published on 7th January 2014 and updated on February 3rd, 2014 at 3:55 pm

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