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There is quite a large number of misinformation flying around the internet, from job openings to news, to prophecy, and even Government announcements, most times asking recipients to re-share. Most people go ahead to re-share without confirming the authenticity of these information.

These information come your way mostly through Facebook, BBM WhatsApp and other social media platform. In order not fall a victim of misinformation or participate in sharing misinformation, please its important you verify an information before you share, if you cannot verify it, then don’t share it.

When you get information, it’s relatively easy to find out if it’s fake or not, you can try out the steps below:

1. Go to originators website and see if the information is there.

2. Confirm the legitimacy of the email address. It should be a company email not Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail. If for example, you receive a speculated invitation from a bank, oil and gas company or telco, the email must be at their domain name, eg hr@gtbank and not

3. Call the phone number and if not certain, call the company number to confirm.

4. Type in the number online and see if it pulls up complaints. Chances are that if it is a scam or false information, someone has already put it up online to warn others. So please be careful.

People will continue to post information they feel is helpful and relevant, but the burden is on us to verify before we act. When you find out it is real or fake, please let people know also.


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This article was first published on 29th September 2016


Muna is a software programmer and developer with a passion for technology.

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