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connectnigeria_detox Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body, neutralizing or transforming them. These toxins vary in origin; some are by products from drug use, diet and the environment, they cause clogging and are predisposing factors that lead to fatigue, poor digestion, reduced liver function and poor kidney function. Toxins can affect the skin and in chronic cases, are the source of arthritis, depression, liver damage and kidney failure. Some healthcare practitioners swear by detox teas and colon cleansing which can be a tad expensive and ‘painful’ but do you know that it is possible to detoxify the body through natural means? Natural detoxification can be done by a simple change in lifestyle basically by reducing the intake of toxins, (yes, we ingest toxins) for example, tobacco, caffeine, sugar and medication. Next time instead of popping a paracetamol or aspirin, you can take a glass of ice water and take a nap. We are so quick to ingest everything we can lay our hands on, stuffing our faces and overeating things that in excess are bad for our health. This weekend here are a few items you can add to your shopping list which can aid detoxification; items that you probably have never thought about. Apples provide many beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fibre, phytochemicals, and flavenoids. They contain Pectin, a soluble fibre which can help to detox food additives and metals from your body. They also have phlorizin, a flavenoid that helps to stimulate bile production, therefore aiding your liver in removing toxins. Lemons are a flavourful fruit that aid your body’s detoxification by releasing enzymes that help to convert toxins into a form that dissolves in water for easy removal from the body. If you drink a glass of lemon water each morning, it helps to form alkalines that balance out acidity from many of the other foods we eat. Lemon is a great flavour on grilled fish. In whatever way you decide to have it, this is a healthy addition to your fruit rack. Garlic is a powerful substance, and it’s good to have some garlic every day as part of your regular detoxification plan. Though your breath will stink, garlic has antibiotic, antiseptic, and antiviral capabilities which help your body fight off disease and stay healthy, removing dangerous micro organisms from your body which in turn helps to reduce toxins. It also contains sulphuric compounds that act as an essential detoxifier. Wondering how you can have your garlic? You can add it as you boil your meat. It can also be infused into olive oil for additional benefits. This is easily done; peel the cloves, hit them with something hard, like a ladle, throw the mashed cloves into a bottle of fresh virgin olive oil, and put the bottle in the fridge for a while. After some days, your garlic is infused into the oil. A tablespoon daily will do wonders for your skin and body. As you go shopping, remember to get these items for a normal healthy body. Remember to eat healthy this weekend! About the author:  Adelarin Eniola Awotedu is a storyteller from Lagos, Nigeria. An avid reader and traveler, she writes and produces content for the web, stage and screen with an interest in Technology. You can follow her on twitter @abiikeblogger

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This article was first published on 24th October 2014 and updated on October 27th, 2014 at 10:23 am

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