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By Sam Egube Publisher: AuthorHouse, 2016 ISBN-13: 978-1504975292

There are a great number of inspirational books being written these days. Some of them read more like didactic monologues, lacking the power to connect with those to whom they are supposed to be addressed (let alone inspire them); some others could be described as fantastical cheerleading, which confer upon readers such abilities as humans have never really had- like calling castles into existence in an instant, or making glass-paned skyscrapers out of idle mud.

Thoughts from A Wealthy Perspective doesn’t fall into any of these categories. It is a proper inspirational book- and more. Its author, Sam Egube, wields his pen (or, if you will, strikes the keyboard) like a warrior charging his comrades to thrust themselves into the battle arena, and crush the enemy.

For Mr Egube, it seems, the enemy here is the problem of the defeatist, excuse-giving and pity-party perspective. And this viewpoint is what he sets out to rid his reader’s minds of. Or at least, let them know why they should put it down.

In five chapters, Thoughts from A Wealthy Perspective shows how individuals’ mindsets, as well as their relationships, can provide the material they need to succeed in life (success here meaning being able to add value to society by building up one’s personal capacity). The author urges his readers to dare to dream, and be courageous enough to “focus their energies” on the aim of achieving the dreams that they have crystallized in their minds. He stresses the need for thoughts, attitudes and relationships to be constructed and conducted with the ultimate aim of attaining the goals we desire to reach. He repeats his belief that the usually cited difficulties (finance, ‘connections’, history, ‘the system’) are not big enough to halt the advance of anyone who truly determines in their heart to hit their target. Focus, discipline, determination and a winning, ‘wealthy’ mentality are the tools that are really essential, Egube insists. And he makes his point with the persuasiveness of a motivational speaker skilled in the art of igniting self-belief in the minds of his listeners.

Sam Egube
The author, Sam Egube, speaking at the book launch on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016, at Muson Centre, Lagos.

The great thing about this book is that it combines hard nosed realism with healthy positivity in a way that is capable of jolting one into living a more focused, passionate and meaningful life. Although it might come across as overtly blunt in some parts, it has a tone that rouses, that calls to action and that could help set the reader off on the path to a life of lasting achievements.


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This article was first published on 7th August 2016


Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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