How to Maintain Healthy Work Relationships
5th June 2017
It is unavoidable to have little squabbles and misunderstandings in the work environment and the relationship existing between co-workers largely influences their quality of work and output. It is therefore very important to be able to maintain healthy relationships with your colleagues and those above or even below your pay grade. Cultivating good working relationships … Continue reading How to Maintain Healthy Work Relationships

3 Ways to Curb a Sweet Tooth
5th May 2017
Are you one of those who finds it hard to resist sweet things? Sweet things are not very healthy for the body and they even destroy the teeth if you are not very careful. Research has shown that consuming a lot of sugar ages you faster than usual and causes your skin to have wrinkles. … Continue reading 3 Ways to Curb a Sweet Tooth

6 Useful Tips on Preventing Breast Cancer
3rd May 2017
Breast cancer is the most common cancer that affects females all over the world. It is no respecter of class, race or religion. Although there are a lot of treatment options available for treating breast cancer, the fact still remains that prevention is better than cure. The best way to get ahead of breast cancer is … Continue reading 6 Useful Tips on Preventing Breast Cancer

Little Ingredients of Happiness
29th April 2017
Have you ever wondered what makes some people happy and contented while others just wallow in sadness every day? Happiness makes all the difference, you can spot a happy person from a mile away and feel the joy radiating from them. The question is how we remain happy in the face of all the challenges … Continue reading Little Ingredients of Happiness
Important Things You Should Know About Mosquitoes and Malaria
25th April 2017
Today is World Malaria Day and we need to be informed about the parasite and vector that transmits the disease. It is important to protect yourself from malaria because the disease is dangerous and deadly if not treated on time. Some people do not know how to escape the bites of mosquitoes and this is … Continue reading Important Things You Should Know About Mosquitoes and Malaria

Dream Big, Live Big
24th April 2017
Have you ever wondered how extremely successful people made it to the top? The answer is simple, they did not give up and they did not limit themselves to small ideas. If you want to make it big, you have to be able to think big and plan even bigger. Making a lot of money … Continue reading Dream Big, Live Big

Fun Things to Do On Your Next Birthday
22nd April 2017
Your birthday only comes once a year, so you might as well enjoy the next one. It gets boring doing the same things over and over each year. Birthdays are supposed to be exciting and fun-filled, the last one being more memorable than the other. Since we only get to celebrate it once a year, … Continue reading Fun Things to Do On Your Next Birthday

What to Know About Meningitis
14th April 2017
Meningitis is an infection caused by parasites such as bacteria, fungi and virus. It affects the fluid in the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Bacterial meningitis is commonly caused by one of the following types of bacteria, Haemophilus influenza type b, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The infection can be deadly … Continue reading What to Know About Meningitis

5 Things You Should Stop Doing before Bed
23rd March 2017
Most of us are guilty of certain habits we indulge in right before bed, some of these contribute to sleeplessness while others generally tell on your health with time. The funny part is that most people do not even know that these habits have noticeable effects on the health. How do you stop doing something … Continue reading 5 Things You Should Stop Doing before Bed

Try These Tips to Manage Smelly Feet
19th March 2017
Smelly feet, also known as bromodosis, is a condition that makes the feet smell when bacteria on the skin break down sweat as it comes from the pores. It can be really embarrassing to have feet that smell as soon as the shoes come off. The most common reason for smelly feet is excessive sweating … Continue reading Try These Tips to Manage Smelly Feet

Four Things to Avoid Taking into Your Kitchen
16th March 2017
A lot of us are guilty of taking everything with us into the kitchen, from cell phones to biros and books. The kitchen should be an organized place where each and every object is put in its place. Junk should not be allowed and the moment you realize that there are certain useless stuff cramping … Continue reading Four Things to Avoid Taking into Your Kitchen

On Dealing with Ego
12th March 2017
Have you ever been in a situation where you just had to compromise and drop your ego to save a relationship? Yes, we have all been in these situations at one point or the other. The difference is that some of us only get into these situations once in a while. Egoistic people are usually … Continue reading On Dealing with Ego

Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
9th March 2017
Symptoms are important determinants of infections and diseases, and while some are usually very chronic while others can be easily waved off because they are not considered life threatening. But unless you are a medical practitioner, how can you differentiate between symptoms that are harmless and those that are not? A lot of people develop … Continue reading Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

On Discovering your Passion in Life
6th March 2017
Raise your hands if you have eventually discovered what your passion in life is. Most people do not even know what passion is. Passion is the drive inside you that pushes you to keep doing the things that makes you happy even if the world sees no sense in it. People are passionate about different … Continue reading On Discovering your Passion in Life

Five Things We Forgot To Learn While Growing Up
Parents cannot teach their kids everything during the short period of growing up, they can only guide and help them in major issues. There are a whole lot of things we have had to figure out by ourselves, for example, no one taught you how to deal with each and every challenge as they come, … Continue reading Five Things We Forgot To Learn While Growing Up

Beauty Tips for a Healthy Face
4th March 2017
Most of the ‘lucky’ people that seem to have clear clean faces all the time actually are not born with it. They had to put in some work to ensure that their faces keep glowing. And it is not as hard as you might think, it will just require giving your face a little extra … Continue reading Beauty Tips for a Healthy Face

Foods to Keep Away from Your Refrigerator
3rd March 2017
Pretty much everything goes into the fridge once you have one. Most people think that all perishables should be stored in the fridge including condiments. This is not true because you may be doing more harm than good if you refrigerate some foods and fruits. Before the advent of refrigerators, there were foolproof methods of … Continue reading Foods to Keep Away from Your Refrigerator

Healthy Habits worth Adopting
1st March 2017
It’s never too late to adopt new habits which can positively influence your health, dropping bad habits and picking up good ones that benefit you. And it does not even have to be complex decisions and difficult lifestyle changes, it can be little convenient changes you would easily adjust to. Once you get used to … Continue reading Healthy Habits worth Adopting

What to Keep In Mind before Buying a Car
With a good job, after securing a roof over your head, the next smartest thing is to try and secure your means of transportation as well. This is where the issue of buying a car comes in. If you can afford to buy a car, then make sure you plan for all the contingencies beforehand. … Continue reading What to Keep In Mind before Buying a Car

3 Things to Keep in Mind When Using Social Media
27th February 2017
These days everyone uses social media either to get information, to connect with others or just for fun. There is no limit to the things you can use social media for, the internet has become an indispensable tool for communication and education. However, there are still some downsides to it because not all it is … Continue reading 3 Things to Keep in Mind When Using Social Media

Foods You Should Consume Less
24th February 2017
Ever wondered why some foods are healthy to eat in large proportions while others are not? It is simply because of the amount of nutrient present in each. Some are rich in fats and oils while others are loaded with carbohydrates and proteins. The secret to healthy eating is choosing which foods are healthy for … Continue reading Foods You Should Consume Less

Monday Motivation: When Going through Challenges
20th February 2017
Growing up is different for everyone, for some it was more of fun times, while for others it was full of responsibilities. All those experiences we had helped to shape us into who are today. We never stop growing up, and we are constantly developing and learning new things. Learning never stops. By understanding and … Continue reading Monday Motivation: When Going through Challenges

Four Amazing Spots You Can Visit on Valentine’s Day
13th February 2017
Do we need to explain how important this day is to some people? This list should help you figure out where to visit on Valentine’s Day. 1. The spa. We love being pampered and a trip to the spa is always welcome no matter the occasion. It allows you both to the luxury of relaxing, getting … Continue reading Four Amazing Spots You Can Visit on Valentine’s Day

Things You Should Know About a Stomach Ulcer
7th February 2017
The medical term for a stomach ulcer is known as ‘peptic ulcer disease’ and it refers to painful sores in the lining of the stomach. Although the main cause of ulcer is not known, it has been discovered that it results from an imbalance between digestive fluids in the stomach and duodenum. Also, most ulcers … Continue reading Things You Should Know About a Stomach Ulcer

Five Things to do Before Going for Your NYSC
6th February 2017
The National Youth Service Corps, one year program that brings young Nigerian graduates to serve their fatherland, has been constantly running since 1973. With time, it became divided into streams and batches for easier implementation and supervision. Anyone that has gone through this one-year mandatory service will agree that it is very educative as you … Continue reading Five Things to do Before Going for Your NYSC

Four Things You Should Know About Teenage Relationships
3rd February 2017
In this time and age, it is not easy to go through all the different stages of growing up without having to eventually face some challenges when it comes to inter-personal relationships with others. These challenges particularly show up during teenage years when we have to deal with talking and relating with others especially members of … Continue reading Four Things You Should Know About Teenage Relationships

3 Reasons Why You Should Take Less of Painkillers
9th January 2017
People work hard and it is not uncommon to find some of them popping pain relieving tablets more often than is expected. Over-the-counter painkillers have become popular and most people now resort to different types with or without prescription anytime they feel discomfort. A good example is the abuse of paracetamol that is often taken … Continue reading 3 Reasons Why You Should Take Less of Painkillers

New Year Resolutions: How to Stick to Them
26th December 2016
As the year comes to an end, a majority of us want to put an end to habits we are not comfortable with. We want to improve and become better people in the coming years and one of the most common ways to set a new path is with making New Year resolutions. They might be … Continue reading New Year Resolutions: How to Stick to Them

5 Useful Tips for Tweezing Your Brows
20th December 2016
Getting the perfect eyebrow shape is important to a lot of women because it helps to frame and define the face beautifully if done right. Eyebrows are a major aspect of the face and when they look good, they make the face stand out. Some people are blessed with healthy eyebrows that grow back no … Continue reading 5 Useful Tips for Tweezing Your Brows

Three Easy Ways to Prepare Eggs for Breakfast
18th December 2016
The interesting thing about eggs is the variety of ways they can be made into. It takes little time to prepare eggs depending on the method of cooking adopted, but they are generally quick and easy to make. Here are three simple breakfasts you can make with eggs: 1. Boiled eggs: Hard or soft boiled … Continue reading Three Easy Ways to Prepare Eggs for Breakfast