Congratulations! You made it to the end of 2015.
2016 is only a few hours away already, and now is the time to cross your Ts and dot your Is before stepping into what will hopefully be a better year for all of us.
We have got you covered with figuring out what exactly to do at this time and how to spend the few hours left wisely:
1. Count your blessings: Many people started the year with us, but sadly passed on in between. Thankfully, you are alive, reading this very post to prove it. With a heart full of gratitude, today is a better time than ever to praise God for life and other blessings. Thank Him in advance for what is yet to come as well.
2. Evaluate your personal growth in 2015: A weighty fact of life is that every living thing either grows or withers with time. Your life is precious, and with each passing year, it is so important to check up on your progress in every area – your career, character development, finances, spirituality among others. What could do with some work in 2016? What distractions need to be cut off?
3. Make your new year’s resolutions: Now that you’re done reflecting on 2015, look on to the future with a pen and paper in hand. Yes, those dreams you have in your head are not going to magically come true by themselves. You have to
SMARTly plan towards them, outlining how you’re going to make them happen, setting realistic timelines in the process.
4. Go for a medical checkup: You have made your plans, but are you fit enough to carry them out? Visit your local hospital for a medical checkup to make sure your body is in good shape. Take your loved ones along, making it a family affair.
5. Connect with friends and family you lost touch with: Our busy work schedules have a way of keeping us apart from the special people in our lives. Take time out today to give them a call; they will definitely appreciate it.
6. Make amends: Speaking of friends, did you offend anyone this year? Intentionally or not, it’s not rare for us to hurt those we love through our words or actions. Get in touch with them and apologise if you haven’t yet. You don’t need to carry that unnecessary emotional baggage into 2016 with you, and it would be a shame to lose out on valuable relationships.
. Give yourself a treat: Cheat on that diet of yours with a yummy, calorific treat. You can always jog off the carbs in the new year, anyway. From spicy pizza slices to some mouthwatering ice-cream from your favourite parlour in town, you deserve a delicious dessert to celebrate your hard work and successes in 2015.
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This article was first published on 31st December 2015
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Ify Halim is a Writer and media enthusiast based in Lagos. She enjoys writing self-help/inspirational articles with published work in UYD Magazine, Edufrica, Our Stories Inc. and The Keele Concourse. She currently works at, Nigeria’s Information Portal. Follow her on Twitter @MissHalim or visit her online space at
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