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  You view the world through your thought pattern. If your thought pattern is negative it can affect your health, finance, career, family, and so on. Negative thinking has multiple effects on your life, in general, and makes you see things within the lens of pessimism, harm, fear, faithlessness, unbelief and so on.
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However, there are ways you can hack your mind to create a positive thought pattern. In this article, we shall explore six hacks towards overcoming negative thinking.
  1. Observe The Beauties In Other People’s Success

People who have negative thought patterns are mostly focusing their minds and thoughts on the bad and dark sides of life rather than the bright and good side of life. This is not to say that you should be ignorant of the fact that evil and badness exist. Of course, they do but don’t dwell on them by living your whole life thinking of dark sides of the world.
  1. Tell Yourself It’s Possible To Lead The Best Life

People with a negative mindset often believe that nothing good will ever come to them. They believe that evil is their lot in life whereas it’s untrue. They fail to see the lessons in the lives of those who have triumphed against all odds. If you have a negative mindset, look around you and see how your siblings, neighbours and classmates are leading the best of their lives. If they can have it, you too can.
  1. Write Down Your Fears And Seek Help

Negative thinking pattern is often influenced by fears of the unknown. Write down your fears – it could be fear of the future. You can seek help from a counsellor, senior friends or your spiritual director to help guide you through that fear.
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  1. Associate With Positive Minded People

Negative vibes are contagious, so is positive vibes. Being in the midst of light can quench your darkness. When you see a classmate or friend who’s a highflyer, full of faith, make them your friend. Associate with people who talk about possibilities.
  1. Cut Away Things That Activate Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can be sustained by association, location, books, movies and superstitious beliefs. Replace superstitious beliefs with positive books written by great writers, change your location to where you won’t have to be bogged down by these beliefs, expressed by negative thinking people around you.
  1. Practice Gratitude

The truth be told, you aren’t worse off in the world. Negative thinking can affect seemingly successful people. In order to overcome negative thought patterns, be grateful for that job, that degree and spouse, those kids. When you do this, you’re seeing the beauty of your own life. Featured Image Source: Live Science
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This article was first published on 25th August 2021


Nnaemeka is an academic scholar with a degree in History and International Studies from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is also a creative writer, content creator, storyteller, and social analyst.

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