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Discovering your strengths can help you make you the right choices. When they’re discovered, you can clearly think of a suitable programme to pursue in the university, a suitable career path to follow, and the suitable job to apply for, and so on. You can transform your strengths into your selling points once they’re discovered, create profit out of them, and lead a successful life. In this article, I explore 6 ways to discover your strengths.

1. Find Your Top 3 Qualities

You can do this in two ways. First, only you know about yourself than anyone else. Therefore, in order to know your top 3 qualities, reflect on your life.  Spend quality time thinking about your likes and dislikes; what you’re interested in and uninterested in. Secondly, you can ask for feedback. To do this, email 20 closest family members and friends to help you identify your top 3 qualities. These people should know you well enough to do this. From their individual feedbacks, you can identify the most recurring qualities and spot your top 3 qualities.

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2. Identify What You Love Doing Every day

This should not be mistaken for addictions, rather you should identify the things you engage yourself with, every day. For example, if you’re an everyday avid reader, your strengths lie in gaining knowledge. If you find yourself, sketching, painting, drawing, you have a strength in artistic expression.

3. Acknowledge What Others Think You’re Good or Bad At

You might be someone who loves to cook, however, your parents, siblings and friends do not pass a good but a poor compliment on your cooking skills, this is a pointer to your weakness. You shouldn’t take any career in cooking, until you’ve significantly improved. You might not be interested in music. However, anytime your friends hear you sing, they think you have the voice of Celine Dion. It is a pointer to the fact that you have a strength you’re unaware of. You can catch in on this potential and develop it.

4. Observe What People Say About You Repeatedly

Be observant about people’s repeated compliments and commendations on some of your characters, especially when you display them frequently and unconsciously. When people repeatedly appreciate or applaud your academic and intellectual grit, entrepreneurial acumen, artistic taste, culinary skill, strategic thinking, athletic drive, or diplomatic spirit, it’s a pointer to your strength. Learn to use these strength(s) to your profit; do not neglect them.

5. What Subject(s) Interests You?

What do you like or hate talking about? People can be obsessed with topics on fighting crimes, while some are scared of such topics, perhaps due to the dangers associated with crime fighting. Some might be interested in topics like politics, perhaps they love the intrigues and fame that comes with being a political leader, others may dislike such topics, due to the drama associated with politics. While others might love subjects on business, because they like the idea of being a CEO and are enticed by numerous risks involved, some might be turned off by the idea of venturing into any business, due to the stress and risks involved. Not only are people interested in a variety of topics, but they can also discuss their interests at great length, they can acquire materials (books, magazines, video and audiotapes, etc) that discusses their interests, and they’re in love with leading voices in their preferred field of interests. So, discover that topic that interests you – it could be academics, business, spirituality, leadership and governance, games, sports, entertainment, the economy, and so on. This is a good place to find your strengths.

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6. What You’re Occasionally Assigned To Do?

At home, in school or in your workplace, you’re always called upon to do a specific assignment or role. It’s an indication you have a strength there. People often rely on you to achieve specific task even when other people available. They feel comfortable assigning you that specific role. It shows you have a strength you must take advantage of. For example, in your workplace, your manager always insist that you lead a project. This is a pointer that you’re bold, competent, and have peoples skills. However, be careful that you’re not being exploited on basis of gender, race, etc.


Discovering your strengths is the first approach towards living a fulfilled life. Once they’re discovered, you can build on them, market them, and live a life of purpose.

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This article was first published on 10th August 2021


Nnaemeka is an academic scholar with a degree in History and International Studies from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is also a creative writer, content creator, storyteller, and social analyst.

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