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  studies   I know as soon as you saw the word interview a shudder pervaded through your system and your nerves began kicking in. Many of us hate interviews and wish we could skip the sometimes daunting process. What if I said interviews didn’t have to be scary? How? you ask. Through preparation! Confidence is built when you prepare yourself and fill yourself with as much knowledge as possible. I have compiled below five tips on preparing for an interview that I feel will equip you with the confidence you need to win over your prospect employer!  
  1. Be prepared!You must always be as prepared as possible. Before an interview, always do adequate research on the company. Research shows that having little or no knowledge of the company is the most common mistake job seekers make during interviews. Do not be a part of this unprepared statistic. Research the company’s history, achievements, functions, portfolio, mission statement, clients and also look for interview preparation questions for your potential job role on Google. Rehearse your answers for these tentative questions before the interview. You can also ask around and see if anybody within your social sphere works or has worked in the company and see if you can get additional information and tips. You don’t want to be asked a question and have no idea what the answer is just because you were too lazy to research!
  2. Dress to impress! Research shows that 65 percent of bosses said that clothes could be the deciding factor between two candidates. Dress appropriately and ensure you’re well groomed. Ensure your hair is in place, clothes are clean and ironed and you smell nice. You are going to potentially be a representation of someone’s company so what does your image say about you??
  3. Give a firm handshake! Firm doesn’t mean break your prospect employer’s hand. If to say your handshake was a reflection of who you are, how firm would your grip be? Research shows that a weak handshake is one of the top most common mistakes made at an interview. Ensure your handshake is firm and reflects confidence.
  4. Smile! Research shows that a lack of smile was one of the top ten mistakes people made at an interview. Always smile in a genuine and professional manner. Don’t appear as if you’ve come to be interviewed for your funeral. Be cheerful and happy and show your prospect employer that you’re enthusiastic about being there.
  5. Be yourself!. Sometimes people have an alter ego when they go for an interview which I suppose isn’t so bad but don’t overdo it. Be the most confident version of yourself. Throw away all the pretense and show them what you’ve got!
Apply these interview tips and I’m pretty sure you’ll bag a job in no time. Even if you don’t, you will definitely have left a memorable impression with your interviewer that will work in your favor in the future.  

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This article was first published on 28th April 2014
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