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  There are so many profitable businesses in Nigeria today, which possess the capacity to make anyone successful if well handled, but the sad thing about these profitable businesses is that most of them are not well explored in Nigeria.
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With the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria, many people are left without jobs, and living without a source of income could be depressing and sometimes suicidal. However, smart individuals in Nigeria have decided to take the bull by the horn by starting up small businesses in order to generate income and provide a means of livelihood for themselves and others as well. There are many lucrative businesses in Nigeria for Nigerians to thrive and succeed in, some of them include:
  1. Agriculture Business

This is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria and has remained an evergreen business for years now, as it never gets old or fade. One thing that is sure about this business is that as long as humanity exists, the agriculture business will continue to strive. So many individuals have already made millions out of agriculture and Nigerians are beginning to wake up to the huge potential in Agribusiness, a sector we have been neglecting over the years due to the discovery of oil. Now, people are beginning to look into other sectors of the economy to create wealth. One thing that makes this business so attractive is that there are lots of loans or financing options available for agriculture entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Some of these loan organizations include The Bank of Agriculture operated by the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Finance, Central Bank and Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, there are more incentives for this sector, because there is huge profit and growth waiting for anyone who ventures into the Agriculture business. Here are some opportunities in the Agriculture business: snail farming, fish farming, cattle farming, palm oil business, and poultry farming.
  1. Food Business

Food business is on the top of the list, which remains an evergreen business, this is because no matter how harsh and challenging life could be, people will always eat! Humans cannot deal without this one thing. Starting an eatery business in Nigeria is a profitable business idea that requires huge capital to start and could thrive successfully if properly managed.
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This business could bring you so many returns if you play your part well, in addition, as long as your meals are delicious, people will come back, and that way you can win some loyal customers.
  1. Blogging Business

In the past few years, the blogging business has earned its place among the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria as technology evolves and more people prefer to read news online than buy newspapers. This simply means that blogs have gradually taken the place of newspapers and magazines in Nigeria. Starting a blog is easy, but the work comes in managing and growing the blog, because you need a certain level of planning, research, hard work and consistency to grow your blog. There are only two types of blogs you can start with; Niche blogs or Lifestyle blogs. Lifestyle blogs allow you to write about everything, but Niche blogs lets you write about one thing. Bloggers make money through a direct advertisement, affiliate marketing, product sales, sponsored posts, partnerships and many more.
  1. Digital Agency Business

The more technology evolves and influences almost every aspect of our lives, the more Nigerians surf the internet with the intention of being internet experts, and the more other internet opportunities arise. In addition, most individuals have set up various digital agencies that serve the digital needs of the people. The digital skills needed for opening a digital agency include web design, graphic design, SEO, content marketing, online funnels, PPC(Pay-per-click marketing) as well as email marketing. You can choose to start up a digital agency that offers all these skills as professional services to clients or you can choose to offer some of the needed skills, whichever way you choose, digital agencies remain one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria today. 5. Fashion Design Business This is another lucrative business in Nigeria, especially for people who are fashion skilled and who have a passion for fashion. For you to grow this business and make it profitable, you must always produce great clothes and deliver on time to your customers for this business to grow. There are many ways to monetize this business, you can make beautiful dresses for people, teach a fashion design class, and start up a YouTube fashion channel to make money. Fashion design can be capital intensive. You have to get a shop, sewing machines and other tailoring equipment and supplies. Featured Image Source: Triple Freedom
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This article was first published on 26th January 2022


Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.

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