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Jimi-Tewe-Author-of-Free-from-Corporate-Slavery Writing is a high paying profession. That fact sank into my head, when I attended ConnectNigeria’s first Writers’ Conference, themed ‘’The Business of Writing’’.  You may be of the opinion that writing does not pay, and can only be a hobby, or a sideline to a more ‘’serious’’ profession. I have found that to be wrong information and as I participated on a Tweet Chat between Career Success Strategist – Jimi Tewe, and, I learned a few lessons on how to build a profitable and successful career in writing. The lessons I’m about to share, can be used, not only to build a successful career in writing, but you can adopt the ideas and principles in whatever profession you are in. On these premises, this article could similarly be titled ‘’How to Build a Successful Career and Achieve Relevance.’’  Based on the interview with Mr. Tewe, four powerful lessons have been compiled below. 1. Have a theme:  Jimi says ‘’ Great Writers have a ‘theme’ they write on. You can’t write on everything successfully’’. What is your theme? Bella Naija’s theme is Lifestyle, TechLoy is focused on Technology, Channels is known for news. What’s yours? You need to be crystal clear on that before building your career in writing. Having a theme helps you to achieve two things;
  • Develop yourself as a leader in your particular field.
  • Attract a focused audience.
Once you achieve these things, you’ll find it easier to profit from your writing. JimiT 1   2. Find a Mentor: Jimi says ‘’Mentorship shortens your journey to success’’. How do you get to a place you’ve never been before? You ask people who have been there. It’s the same with writing, ask those who are where you want to be. Today, it is now easier to be mentored. You can follow your mentors on social networks, attend their conferences, read their blogs. Just stalk them! 3. Stay in Tune with your audience:  Jimi says ‘’Relevance can be achieved by staying in tune with the needs of your audience & responding to them’’. If you’re in business, your ultimate boss is your customer. As a writer, your audience must also be your ultimate focus. Focus on how to engage them. Ask them questions, communicate with them, learn from them, and offer them what they want. JimiT 2   4. Seek To Impact Value: Jimi says ‘’People write to sell 1 million books. Rather, think of how you can give value to 1 million people.’’ Enough said. Jimi Tewe Twitter Chat with Connect Nigeria   Overall, one of the most predominant lessons I learnt was ‘’Be Consistent’’. Jimi Tewe told me that months ago. He taught me that some things just take time, and only those who are consistent will succeed. Mason Frederick who shares relevant knowledge that you can use to grow your career in marketing and build your small business emphasizes on this point in his quote that says, ‘’Consistency is the mark of champions.’’ Consistency in these four powerful lessons will ensure that we are champions.

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This article was first published on 8th April 2014

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