Read more on Career
Career choice is no more a one-time occurrence that would end with the decision of the right university or college, career choice extends until we get the right job and get a satisfying work profile. When the thought of a career choice comes up, many other factors arise as well, such as job description, required skills and education, salary, career outlook. However, many other meaningful factors can influence someone’s career choice. Nowadays, it is normal to find most individuals confused or unaware of their career path, even when they seem to have settled down in a particular job or career. They seem uncertain of the particular career, as it does not given them a clear vision of what they want to do. Nevertheless, the most important thing is to have a good, clear and precise career choice at an early stage so that it allows you to succeed and achieve better in the chosen profession. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CAREER CHOICE
- Parents’ Aspiration/Parental Pressure:
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