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  Connect Nigeria     Little drops of water will eventually make a mighty ocean; so will little adjustments in the way you live your life. Take each drop and cultivate it. The future will most definitely smile on you eventually . 1. At least, once a year, give away clothes that you know you will not use again. 2. If you need to remember to take something out with you in the morning, put those things beside/under your car keys the night before and if you don’t have a car, put it beside/on your shoes. 3. Arrange things in your home every day. Do not wait until the weekend or end of the month. Have a place for everything and whenever you are done using it, put everything back in its place. 4. Fix what is not working in your home. Write down a list and try to fix them in order. 5. Make a list of the small things you love doing and do each of these things every day. When the list is exhausted, write another one. 6.  Take note of your mental chatter, the positives and the negatives. Take the negatives and work on changing them to positive ones. On the positives, see how you can make them even better. Feed your mind every day with thoughts, words and images that are consistent with who you want to be, what you want to be and what you want to achieve. 7.  Have a good laugh at least once a day. Whatever works for you, whatever makes you laugh is fine. 8. If you cannot leave to travel to different places and see the world, read books. They take your imagination to places you may never see. 9. Learn at least one new thing every day. Before you know it, you’ll have at least an idea of probably, everything. 10. Pay yourself first. Save at least 5% of what you earn. 11. Eat vegetables and fruits every day. 12. Make a note to give praise and approval to at least one person you know deserves it. 13. Make it a point to do at least one kind deed every day no matter how small. 14. Practice active listening. Paraphrase what you think you have heard to make sure you have not misinterpreted it and for clarity regarding points that you are not clear about. 15. Spend time with your family and friends. Let them know how much you cherish them. 16. Challenge yourself to be better. Doing that strengthens your mind. Take advantage of the opportunities you have around you. 17. Accept your mistakes. Forgive yourself and do better the next time. 18. Keep a journal. Write down your feelings, your ideas, your goals, your activities. 19. If smiling is difficult, smile at least 10 times a day. Count whether you have hit the mark and reward yourself when you exceed the mark. Keep pushing the limit. 20. Join a new group and see how you fit in. Let the group be one that is focused on things you are passionate about. Your social skills will become better through this. 21. Have no regrets. Accept the fact that what has happened has happened! What you can do from now on is move on and live your life better than how you lived it yesterday.    

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This article was first published on 11th July 2014

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