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  The experts usually recommend that businesses specialize in an area for which they possess the greatest competence. Companies looking to make an impact in the market should zero in on a niche, and work to dominate it. It’s supposed to be the recipe for success in today’s world.
Read more about 2019 CN’s Top 100 Emerging SMEs
But not all businesses have trodden this path. Some can provide products in disparate categories to very different sets of markets, and succeed at doing so. One such business is CynbaNews. It’s an enterprise that offers a unique combination of products and services to its customers—clothing and fashion accessories on one hand and FOREX trading bots on the other. It’s a mixture of the perennial and very contemporary, the essential and the finely segmented. CynbaNews was founded in 2019 by Nwiure Barinua Monday and Emenogu Cynthia Ezinne. They say that they established it with the aim of “enhancing the visibility and availability of various products and services.” They are achieving this through their website, which doubles as an online store. They have a physical store as well, which is located in Port Harcourt. Items available for purchase via these channels include T-shirts, gowns, hoodies, sweaters, shoes, bags, and other fashion accessories.
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CynbaNews also sells Binary option trader bots, software that’s sought after by FOREX traders. There’s also the option of hiring a developer to build a FOREX trading bot. Both offers are listed on the CynbaNews website. All items sold by CynbaNews may be bought from its online store (by placing an order) or at its store in Port Harcourt. Although it’s only been around for less than three years, CynbaNews has caught the attention of the media and other keen observers of the Nigerian business space. It was one of 200 businesses that completed the inaugural Forbes Startup Accelerator in Nigeria in 2020. CynbaNews made the list of Top 100 Emerging SMEs in Nigeria as released by Connect Nigeria in 2019. It took its place among other fast-growing SMEs on the list thanks to the support it received from its followers. The CynbaNews team says it is determined to make the business even bigger. They are currently focused on expanding their online presence, as part of their plans to achieve their long-term objectives for the store. Featured Image Source: CynbaNews
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This article was first published on 19th February 2021
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Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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