Free times are special times when we get the opportunity to take a break from all our engagements and focus on ourselves. But because Time=Money, we don’t get to use this commodity for free every time. So, in exchange for our time, we get quality commodities in kind which aids us in defining who we are and in enjoying life. Money is one of the constant commodities we get in exchange for our time but free time, not so much. This is why when we get to have some free time on our hands, like a company giving an employee a three months’ leave after he/she has worked for 3 – 5 years, we are confused or ideas escape us on how to spend it or what to do with it.
We’ve got you! Here are some exciting ways you can spend your free time:
1. Learn a New Hobby: This is not learning a skill. This is learning a hobby you have thought so long about because you know that if you can just do it, it will make you more happy. You can turn this hobby into a skill that would make you money if you want to or you can just keep this new hobby you have mastered for your delight alone.
2. Read a Good Book: If you love reading, you must have a book in mind that you have been dying to read but because you did not have enough free time on your hands while you worked, you stored it on your book shelf, waiting for the day you’d be free to immerse yourself deeply into its world. Well, now is the time. So, dig out that book and travel into another world.
3. Watch a New Movie Series: This is a very unproductive feat to embark on but that shouldn’t bother you because you have been producing for a while now and a little time-off to do something unproductive but calming as well as interesting won’t harm you.
4. Family and Friends Time: If you have been working away from home, you’ll probably enjoy it more when you spend that free time with your family and friends. You must have missed them. They have certainly missed you too so take advantage of this free time you have got and spend it with them.
5. Organise: If you are single and living alone, you’ll have an idea of what it is I am about to talk about. Most who are single and living alone but working in very big busy cities, wake up and sleep in the clutter and the dirt. Sometimes, when they have a special friend coming over to visit, they try to keep the clutter and dirt under control but eventually the clutter still gets out. You are on leave, you’ve got free time on your hands; deal with the clutter and dirt once and for all before work starts again.
6. Create Something: There are so many Do-It-Yourself tips you can use to create something just for the fun of it. Read the
Learn a Skill Wednesday articles on Connect Nigeria and be inspired!
7. Pamper Yourself: You can cook yourself some healthy tasty treats you have been dying to have, take up that exclusive spa plan for a day, shop, go to a concert, or have a picnic with friends on the beach. Make a conscious effort to be happy. Do that thing you know you crave for because it will not only leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed but it will also be money well spent.
8. Go out of Town: Who says you have to stay in town to enjoy your free time? Get out of town. Go to another city or get down with the natives in rural areas. Whatever you do, make sure you get out!
9. Go on an Internet Break: Don’t subscribe to the internet for the first month of your free time. Instead of sending an annoying PING!!! to a friend, surprise him/her by visiting. Instead of sending emails or updating your social media platform status every five minutes, hang out with your contacts/followers in groups or one-on-one. Enjoy the real life. If you like how the first month turned out, you can continue on your break while enjoying the real life on your free time.
10. Take a Chance With Your Emotions: You have used work as an excuse not to tell that special someone how you feel about her. What better way is there to spend your free time than to know if your desired one feels the same way about you? So go ahead. If the reply is positive, you get to spend time together before you start your busy routine again and if it is not, you can spend ample time recovering and finding another person worthy of your attention.
11. Go for Events: Events happen in the big cities every time so find one that would interest you
here; sign up and go for it.
12. Don’t Forget to Relax: Remember that this free time isn’t forever; so add relaxing to your to-do list. Make sure you do absolutely nothing during some of your free time days. You might not have the time to do so when regular activities resume.
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About the Writer: Mary Odunuga is a Writer/Reporter for Connect Nigeria and PR/social media handler for Cribpark. She loves reading, music, watching documentaries, nature and silence. she blogs at (
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This article was first published on 7th August 2015
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