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  Probably you must have heard this phrase made popular by successful retailers like; Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field: ‘the customer is always right.’ The trio believed that customers complaints should be treated speedily and with all alacrity so that they don’t feel cheated or deceived. Do you know why? Customers create the market, a dissatisfied customer can cause great damage to your business, just the same way a satisfied customer can create a chain of customers for your business.
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The phrase, ‘the customer is always right does not mean your run your business by customers’ verdict, but you must listen and respect their opinions and serve them better. These complaints can be hidden treasures for a business explosion. In this article, we have listed ten ethical ways to handle customers’ complaints in pronto.

1: Don’t Be Emotional

Most complaints are harsh, but you need to stay calm while handling a customer’s complaint. Remember, each customer has a chain of customers following them. So, you can’t yell at them even if they do that. You need to be mature here. When you win a customer, you have won those following them.

2: Pay Attention

Listen and understand what they are complaining about, don’t just stand to fulfil all righteousness. Don’t look busy, give them your time and let them know you are attentive. Don’t interrupt them, either.

3: Be Grateful

Show great gratitude towards them, this will also diffuse the anger in them. thank them for their patronage so far, appreciate their loyalty to your brand and show gladness in their complaints.

4: Acknowledge Their Complaints

It does not end with listening, being attentive or showing appreciation. Did you understand what they complained about? How to go about this is to repeat or paraphrase their complaints to them and let them affirm you got what the issue is.

5: Render Help

Help comes in different ways, it could be in form of a discount, it could be changing a defective product to a new one, etc. just render any help you can.
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6: Ask Questions

Asking questions is about being more detailed on the customers’ complaints. This can be done like a question-and-answer session. This is about getting more details about their complaints. And following it up accordingly.

7:  Act In Pronto

Be prompt and speedy in settling the issue. You will be the person to find a solution to the issue at hand according to your company’s policy.  You can be flexible here a bit. The earlier you solved the problem, the better for both you and the grieved customers.

8: File The Complaints

Some complaints often have hidden opportunities that will help to improve your products and services if well utilized.  When customers complain about your products or services, they are seeking improvement and to be served better. So, you document their complaints and responses and use them to your advantage.

9: Follow Them Up

After the whole process and seemingly solving the problem, you will still need to contact them and ask about their well-being, and how the solution proffered by you worked for them. this is just like the icing on a cake. You can do this follow up via chat, phone call or email. Also, apologize for any inconveniences the challenge may have caused them.   this is how to pin customers to your brand and also make them your brand evangelists.

10: Move On

When you are done solving and sorting out their complaints, you have done the needful, so move on to the next activity. If you discovered an opportunity to improve your products and services through this complaint resolve period, then it is time to review the opportunity and carry out the necessary things to stay on top of your game. Handling customers complaints can be tricky and demanding, some customers can be thorns on your flesh. But handling it more excellently and ethically can be rewarding in the long run. These steps above are the go-to steps in handling and solving such occasional occurrences. Featured Image Source: iStock
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This article was first published on 26th January 2022


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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