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The mundane nature of modern work life leaves most feeling unproductive and defeated due to the loads of work they have to contend with each day. It sometimes creates an illusion that being busy is synonymous with being productive. Yet, both words are the antithesis of each other, with the former leading to an unending cycle of unfulfillment and the latter actually leading to substantial results. 

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Thomas Edison explained it best when he said:

Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration.”

The key is to aim for a lifestyle that encourages productivity and leaves you time for other important aspects of your life. 

As the lockdown extends, we recommend 4 ways you can start getting massive loads of work done each day and generate real results. 

Have A Morning Routine 

You may be/may have become used to seeing this. But that’s because the importance of following a morning routine cannot be overemphasised. It helps you to prepare for and puts you in the right mindset to conquer your day. A morning routine should begin in the early hours of the day. It should also comprise activities such as meditation, affirmations, exercise, reading, etc, that encourage wellness of the body and mind. Doing this each day helps you increase your willpower, set the tone for the day, and control your schedule.

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Plan Your Week 

First, create a to-do list of all the tasks you have to get done. Make sure to update this list anytime a new important task comes up. You can create your to-do list on a paper or use an app called Todoist; there are many more apps like this that enable you to organise everything you have to do. Planning your week lets you have an idea of the specific tasks you have to get done every week and how you are going to execute these tasks. 

Prepare A Daily Plan 

You can prepare your daily plan during your morning routine every day. To make it specific, add the day of the week and six to seven things (project work, study, etc) you have to get done that day in your plan, depending on how productive you feel that day. Also, try to estimate the time of the day when each task should be executed. This will let you know what to focus on at each given moment of the day. 

Hold Yourself Accountable

In order to make your daily plan more practical, you can create it on a sheet of paper or sticky note and paste it in a strategic place where you can see it – wall or mirror. It’s also not a bad idea to let others know about your plans for the day and the goals you’re trying to accomplish. If you do this, the chances are high that you will hold yourself accountable and won’t want to fail. 

Featured Image Source: CNBC

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This article was first published on 13th April 2020


My name is Samuel Okoruwa. I am an ardent researcher, reading is life and writing is fun.

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