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Nigeria Floods As part of government measures to prevent future occurrence of floods that ravaged many parts of the country last year, a technical committee delegation was sent to Cameroon in December for findings on the Lagdo Dam that was reportedly opened, resulting in the floods. In a statement on the recommendations by the committee, a Federal Ministry of Water Resources representative, Modupe Ogundoro submitted that, “Nigeria will partner with Cameroon to establish framework for exchange of hydro-meteorological and environmental data to prevent flooding.” It continued, that “more hydraulic structures on the tributaries of Benue River should be built and both countries have agreed that cooperation in the area of water resources should take into account the Niger Basin Authority Water Charter.” It was also recommended that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) be signed to commit both countries to shared flood control.

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This article was first published on 7th January 2013 and updated on January 9th, 2013 at 4:10 pm

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