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  FinTech marketing is the number of marketing strategies particularly designed for financial technology (‘FinTech’) companies. These companies are using new technologies to enhance and eventually, automate the delivery and use of financial services to consumers.
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Whereas building a great product is the first step towards revolutionizing this industry, implementing the right FinTech marketing strategies to make it big is often a challenge in an increasingly crowded market. Especially when conventional banking corporations are finally catching up with emerging technologies, best-in-class user experiences and consumers’ needs and expectations. To maintain dominance in the FinTech industry, marketing is pivotal. However, it takes the right set of strategies and techniques to stay ahead of the competition. In this article, I discuss 9 strategies that can help any FinTech company.
  1. Go Mobile With Your FinTech Marketing Initiatives
In the 21st Century, mobile digital marketing is the trend and the new way to stay ahead. Previous studies have shown that mobile device users spends at most five hours on their devices daily. Today, the younger generations (millennials and Gen Z) spend between 5 hours and 12 hours on average on their hand-held devices. This is an advantage in which FinTechs can seize and give their best mobile marketing strategy. So how do you do that? 
  • Ensure that you have a mobile responsive website. Doing this will help you rank better and higher on Google search results, where one can easily generate and convert leads. 
  • With 52% of internet searches done on mobile devices, FinTechs must ensure that their websites are optimal in speed and their User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are friendly. 
  • Ensure that your website is not bugged with unnecessary widgets and pop-ups, otherwise, it can irritate visitors, causing them to leave.
  • Also, it is necessary to make your web copy short and straight to the point. Your website should also consist of visual elements such as infographics, icons, imagery; use large fonts on the responsive side and non-interfering animations. 
Bottomline:  It is expedient to spend quality time testing your website to ensure that your website looks and behaves perfectly on mobile before you blow money on ads, traffic, SEO efforts and more. Making your website interface simple, clear, precise and with a featured call-to-action is a tremendous way to get started on mobile to make the most of the platform available. But it doesn’t stop there.
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  1. Make Social Media Your Biggest Playhouse
Social media is the playground of the internet. Every FinTech ought to experiment with it. Social media is a place where people live nearly all their lives. Some people completely cherish the idea of social media and are sharing pictures of their lives and the events happening in them. At every point, people are celebrating their birthdays, wedding anniversaries, graduations, festivals, and so on. These are events FinTechs can integrate into their marketing strategies and make them come alive and resonate with their audience. Anyone who is not on social media must be living a boring life under the rock. In the following paragraphs, I show how FinTechs can optimise social media platforms in reaching out to their audience.
  • First, build your social media pages from Facebook to Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. You will have to choose which platforms your audience hangs out with the most and make it a duty to dish out personalised content. 
  • It is expedient that before you run around with your marketing strategy, ensure that you have been able to distinguish your ideal target audience, then research what social media platforms they’re using.
  • After finding out the platforms your ideal audience hangs out on, consistently create personalized content to feed and entertain them. You do that and you’ll be miles ahead of your competition.
  1. Create Valuable Content
What makes content valuable? It is captivating, educating, and can convert the audience into customers. Contents are of various formats: it could be a listicle, how-to guide, storytelling and so on. The goal is to ensure that your audience is educated and at the same time, entertained. Content is more valuable than ever. Especially in the FinTech marketing space! Another tip about content is to create what is relevant to your audience. For instance, millennials and Gen Zs, are often perplexed or inexperienced with financial situations.  According to a study, 45% of Millennials want financial products and services that help them handle their financial situations. However, 37% indicated they could not find resources online to educate them on vital financial topics. This is a gap FinTechs can fill. They can step in and build a school of finance and educate this audience. The best platforms to educate Millennials and Gen Zs are TikTok and Instagram. How do you go about this?
  • Create valuable content for Millennials and make it accessible in a way that they can find the information, and see your FinTech company as pivotal to their financial success. 
  • Deliver valuable content to build trust. For instance, your how-to guide content should reproduce accurate results when replicated. When your audience sees that your content are trustworthy, they can trust your financial product. 
  • Don’t ghost your audience. Don’t go on sabbatical leave for too long. Why? Consistent content is a way to stay in the minds of your audience and make them see you as a go-to site for all financial advice.
Featured image source: myPOS
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This article was first published on 11th March 2022 and updated on March 12th, 2022 at 4:09 pm


Nnaemeka is an academic scholar with a degree in History and International Studies from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is also a creative writer, content creator, storyteller, and social analyst.

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