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  You see hard-boiled eggs and pap making, these foods are no respecter of persons. As in, ‘ha na awu mmadu na ana anyhow’. You no know how to make am be say you no know how to make am.
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You may get lucky once in a while but whenever you are asked to prepare it, you’ll always worry that you may not get it right. I had a hard time learning how to make these foods. I know how many soft boiled eggs I served my family before I learnt how to hard-boil an egg. I remember hanging my head in shame each time I made this mistake for no one in my family likes soft boiled egg and even though none of them condemned me for the countless mistakes that I made, I condemned myself each and every time it happened. Today, I thank God that I can hard-boil an egg very well. I’ll tell you how to do this in a bit. But before I do, let me quickly say that eggs can also be under boiled or over boiled. Under boiled eggs are usually soft boiled. I don’t know what to call an over boiled egg sha, I just know that the result is not so great either. So, it has to be boiled to perfection for the best results.
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The only way to Hard-Boil eggs is to time them and I have two methods of doing this. I’ve been using the first method for a long time. I recently learnt about the second method. I’ve tried it and it does the job too. So, I can say with my chest that both methods are effective. I’ll share both methods with you. Feel free to choose the one that works best for you. To Hard-Boil Eggs, you will need: Egg(s) Kettle or Small Pot Water

How To Hard-Boil An Egg

Place the eggs in a kettle or small pot. Pour cold water over them. Make sure the water covers the egg. Cook on high heat and when the water starts boiling to the point where the eggs are rolling around the kettle or pot, allow them to boil for eight more minutes then turn off the heat and transfer the egg to a bowl of cold water. In the alternative, when the water starts boiling and the eggs start rolling around the kettle, turn off the heat. Leave the egg in that kettle for ten minutes. Then either pour out the hot water or use a spoon to transfer the eggs into a bowl of cold water. When they are cool. Peel and enjoy. Featured Image Source: Serious Eats
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This article was first published on 10th April 2021 and updated on April 14th, 2021 at 11:11 am


Udevi, Obiamaka Angela holds a Master of Arts degree in History & International Studies. She's a freelance writer with a passion for food and healthy living. She can be contacted through her email address,

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