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  concentration     C-o-n-c-e-n-t-r-a-t-i-o-n. I’m sure focusing on that word alone was challenging, but not to worry, tips of the day to the rescue. Concentration is an essential component to having productive days and achieving our goals in a timely manner. Many have blamed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for a lack of concentration but it is debatable that it is a simple matter of self control and re focusing ones attention. Here are a few tips on how to concentrate if you have found yourself struggling. Sleep– Sleep is essential even though i’m sure you’ve heard it countless times. When you’re yawning after every sentence and find yourself slumped over your school books or work desk lethargic and uninspired, your mind and body are telling you they are in dire need of some z’s. If you want to concentrate better, start with an adequate amount of sleep every night.  Healthy eating- I know many of you may have lost concentration by reading those two words alone but remember our parents stuffed those fruits and vegetables in our mouth as kids for a reason. They contain many essential vitamins, proteins and energy boosts that we need to ensure we have productive days. Avoid white foods: white bread/potatoes, flour, grease and sugar, “dead” foods/and drinks, as well as our heavy native foods that make us want to snooze right after consumption! They slow down the body and mind and the only thing you’ll resort to concentrating on is sleep. Focus- Focus is defined as the center of interest or activity. To concentrate, you must immerse yourself in the thing you want to concentrate on. Develop a positive attitude towards what you’re doing and you’ll find it much easier to achieve your goals. Set yourself goals around the task you want to achieve and fix your eyes on your target ability, concentrating on the prize.  Take Breaks and Mix Up Your Environment- This tip especially works for me. Sometimes monotony can affect our ability to concentrate so if you find yourself drifting off and uninspired during the day, go for a walk and take a look around your environment. The fresh air or even surrounding scenery may give you all of the inspiration you need. Be Inspired– There is something about inspiration and the excitement and adrenaline rush that follows. When we are inspired, it is only that thought that consumes our being and takes up all of our focus. Look for what inspires you when you lack concentration and i’m sure you’ll naturally be drawn to concentrate on that thing. The most important thing to do is stop making excuses! A lack of concentration should never be a reason for you not achieving goals or underachieving. Be in control of your mind and actions, be in control of your success.  

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This article was first published on 2nd May 2014

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