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Various media platforms are littered with various definitions of customer engagement from various brands, but one thing they all share is this: customer engagement is about the interactions between you and your customers.

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Customer engagement is a marketing strategy that focuses on increasing the engagement your customers have with your brand, by delivering personalized messages and interacting with customers across various engagement channels, to develop and strengthen a relationship with them.

Excellent customer engagement is a two-way conversation; this means that companies can engage with customers across a variety of channels including email, web, social media, community forums, and more to offer customers something greater than just products and services alone.

With the help of consistent customer engagement, more customers can be drawn to your company, and buyers tend to find your brand more valuable, and provide you with customer insights. These customer insights can inform marketing decisions such as retargeting and content development, as well as sales processes, such as messaging and outreach methods.

Customer engagement marketing is not an entirely new concept, as it is supposed to be the goal of all marketing, asides from mere generation of sales, however, most marketers get so busy and engrossed with other marketing strategies that they neglect customer engagement, which is supposed to be the core goal of marketing. This leaves little time or energy for creating an effective customer engagement strategy.

The Role of Customer Engagement Includes:

Boosts Brand Experience:

Undoubtedly, a good customer engagement has the ability to boost your brand experience. A company or brand that consistently engages their customers across various channels tends to be more noticed than those who do not. This gives your brand a good name and attracts potential customers as well.

Increases customer loyalty and trust:

Proper customer engagement may help establish trust between the customer and the brand. In addition, if the brand consistently provides engaging content for their customers, they effectively maximize the value they get from the brand, which can create loyalty.

Provides valuable customer feedback and insight:

When you actively engage with your customers, you unconsciously give them permission to give you feedback, which can help you identify brand strengths and shortcomings that might prevent a meaningful connection with new leads.

Increases sales funnel velocity: Customer engagement can entice potential customers who haven’t transitioned to real and loyal customers yet. Staying engaged and providing engaging content can help increase the speed at which new leads move through the sales funnel, making the entire process quicker and more efficient, thereby saving you time and money and boost your customer base.

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Increases sales: Customer engagement helps promote trust and loyalty in your customers, which can encourage them to buy more of your products or services. This trust can help boost your overall sales revenue and keep your brand in position as a top competitor in the industry.


Engaging the customer is also essential, especially in the beginning of a company’s growth. This is because, word of mouth spreads like wildfire when it comes to a customer’s experience, and this can only happen when you have a good customer engagement strategy.

How Customer Engagement Marketing Works

Develop stories that will entice your customers:

Customer engagement has everything to do with content marketing; this means that your content has to be enticing enough to draw the attention of your customers.

Iron out your engagement strategy:

Develop a proper engagement strategy, the kind of strategy that will stay in the customer’s head. A strategy that will remind them that your brand is interested in their well being and not just in getting them to make purchases.

Find a platform that specializes in engagement:

This helps drive more intelligent and personalized content engagement.

Personalize the customer experience:

The importance of personalized messages cannot be over emphasized, because they make your customers feel valued by your brand.

In conclusion, well-executed customer engagement marketing will make customers feel like they are recognized members of the brand and encourage customer loyalty. Customer engagement marketing is another way to drive loyalty outside of an official loyalty program.

Featured image source: Techfunnel
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This article was first published on 21st March 2022


Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.

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