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  Following up with clients or prospects after tabling your offer is not as complicated as we think. In fact, it is inevitable if you want to close a deal, because more often than not, the first offer does not translate into sales. It is important if you want to create a successful career. 
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For a freelancer, following up is very crucial, especially as regards growth and retaining your clients. You might never see a lost cause turn into an opportunity if you give up easily on your offers. The best way to go about this is to create a follow up strategy. This is the only way you do not end up coming off as desperate or annoying. Use this strategy and remember that moderation is important. 
  • Stop self sabotaging
Believe that your offer is good enough and be so convinced that if it isn’t taken advantage of, it is the client’s loss. Attitude is the key to achieving your goals, and changing your mindset reflects in your outlook and your confidence. Even if you are not good enough, you should see it as an avenue to improve. However, this is not often the case as self sabotaging is you just making up stories in your own mind. 
  • Create and send a short reminder
Have a system where you know how long it should take for you to receive a response from a prospect or client. As soon as the timeline elapses, you should prepare a reminder to send to them. A week is usually ideal if you are not so familiar with the prospect. The content of your reminder should include when you sent a message, and intention to follow up in order to confirm their interest in your proposal. Also include that you will be available for questions or clarifications. Remember to keep it short and straight to the point. 
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  • Know when best to follow up
Moderation as indicated earlier is key. You must be careful not to follow up too quickly, or wait for a long time before you do. You can follow up in time by creating a spreadsheet where you list all your clients and prospects, the offer, the invoice and due dates. This will help you keep track of everything relating to the client and knowing when best to follow up. 
  • Make your follow up custom made
As much as possible, customize your offers. And if you already have done this, take a step further to customize the follow ups. In your attempt to customize your offer, you will find out what best communication style appeals to your client. What mode of communication will most likely capture their attention? This will guide the unique and specific reminders you will send.  Following up is you taking your luck into your own hands. Don’t be easily discouraged, and stay full of the value you offer. Sometimes, you do not get immediate positive responses, but you will be more thankful that you did, than when you do not. With these steps, you will not only follow up, but will be doing it right.  Featured image source:
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This article was first published on 19th February 2022
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Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.

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