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ItMonkey kola, sometimes called African bush apple, is a yummy, juicy fruit with amazing nutritional health benefits. It exists in three varieties; red, white and yellow (predominant in local markets). It is a nutritious indigenous tropical fruit species native to the people of Southern Nigeria. It is called Achicha or Ochiricha in Igbo, and Ndiyah in Ibibio and Efik. It has an obliquely ovoid inedible seeds with two flattened surfaces, which are rough and reddish brown or green; a rough outer covering and a waxy mesocarp which forms the edible portion of the fruit.

Nutritional Value

Monkey kola has high fibre content, protein, vitamins B and C, mineral elements (the most abundant being calcium, potassium and β-carotene), amino acids, (essential and non-essential ) and antioxidants  with low calorie and 0.00g fats. The yellow monkey kola has more nutritional and medicinal value than the red and white monkey kola.

Health Benefits

  1. Beta-carotene and lutein contained in monkey kola maintain healthy skin and mucus membrane. They prevents cataracts, aids vision, protects from cellular damage and age related macular degeneration.
  2. Money kola aids digestion  and hence prevents constipation and boosts the immune system.
  3. It contains soluble fibre which contributes to the health of gastrointestinal tract and weight management.
  4. Riboflavin which is also known as vitamin B2  present in the fruit helps to metabolize fat and proteins in the body system.
  5. It helps to lower the risk of heart diseases and improves cholesterol level due to the presence of niacin (vitamin B3), known as nicotinic acid and flavonoids.
  6. Its essential mineral elements help in protein synthesis, healthy bones, proper functioning of the cells, organs, tissues, and overall body functions and development.
  7. The low caloric effect makes it a better fruit for a weight loss diet.
Sources: Finelib, Research Gate, Doktorsea, Licia Glowing Health

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This article was first published on 15th August 2018 and updated on October 2nd, 2018 at 8:38 pm


An Environment Resource Management graduate of Abia State University with her Masters in-view, Chinwe is also a Columnist, an OAP, a sought-after motivational speaker and writer with special interest in food and the balance of diet.

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