Archives Tag: how to sell


How to Sell Your Ebook Online for Free

April 19, 2022

  Writing and publishing an ebook can be a great way to share knowledge and make money. But once your ebook is ready, how do you get people to buy it? Paid advertising is one way, but it can get expensive quickly. The good news is there are plenty of free methods to market and … Continue reading How to Sell Your Ebook Online for Free

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How To Effectively Market and Sell Any Product

April 19, 2022

  In sales, the key is like a secret code that opens doors. Whether you sell gadgets, services, or even ideas, there are simple ways to make your pitch effective and sell anything to anyone. Let’s dive into 7 practical strategies to become a sales wizard. Read more about Business Know Your Product Inside Out … Continue reading How To Effectively Market and Sell Any Product

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How to Sell Anything to Nigerians

April 19, 2022

  You can’t be blamed for adopting the selling techniques that the world’s best sales gurus recommend. But here’s the problem: a lot of those tips are primed for cultures that are far removed from ours. So don’t be miffed if they fall flat with your leads, prospects and customers. Nigerians are just built differently … Continue reading How to Sell Anything to Nigerians

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How To Sell Anything To Anyone

April 19, 2022

Most people think they must have the gene of sales before they can sell effectively. But they fail to realize that selling goes beyond marketing your business, goods, or services and extends to marketing yourself as well. I can imagine the look on your face. Read more about Business Well, here’s the truth, selling yourself … Continue reading How To Sell Anything To Anyone


The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (9): The More you Ask and Listen, the More you Sell

April 19, 2022

If you are not moving closer to what you want in sales [or in life], you probably aren’t doing enough asking. – Jack Canfield Asking Is Selling A story was told about an outrageous insurance policy purchase by Henry Ford. The story got the attention of a close friend of Mr. Ford who was noticeably … Continue reading The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (9): The More you Ask and Listen, the More you Sell

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