Archives Tag: happiness

Personal Development

The Science of Happiness: Habits for a More Joyful Life

April 19, 2022

  Happiness is something everyone wants, but it can sometimes feel hard to achieve. The good news is that science has found ways to help us be happier. By understanding the science of happiness and adopting certain habits, we can all lead more joyful lives. Here are some key habits that can boost your happiness. … Continue reading The Science of Happiness: Habits for a More Joyful Life

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 6 Habits Of Incredibly Happy People

April 19, 2022

  We’ve all heard the phrase “happiness is free”. It’s a cliche but it stands true. Happy people are not defined by the things they possess or achieve. Instead, they are defined by a mindset that helps them thrive and lead a successful life. Read more about Monday Motivation In this article, you’ll discover 6 … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 6 Habits Of Incredibly Happy People

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Health LIFESTYLE mental health Wellness

Wellness: 5 Natural Ways To Overcome Depression And Be Happy

April 19, 2022

  It is hard to stay energised and achieve the goals you’ve created for yourself when faced with depression. This is because it drains your energy and diminishes your motivation to a large extent. With the following steps, you can naturally overcome depression, feel more in control, and even improve your mental and physical health. … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Natural Ways To Overcome Depression And Be Happy

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Personal Development

Now That You’re Here, Choose To Be Happy

April 19, 2022

Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy or not to be happy. So, if we truly have a choice, why are there so many unhappy people around? Why would anyone choose gloom over bliss? You’ve probably seen the phrase “happiness is a choice” a million times. Many have built concepts around it … Continue reading Now That You’re Here, Choose To Be Happy

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International Happiness Day

April 19, 2022

In a powerful way, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon states his view on Happiness. He states, “The pursuit of happiness lies at the core of human endeavours.”. In addition, he adds how we can attain happiness, for selves and others. He states, “By contributing to common good, we ourselves are enriched.” … Continue reading International Happiness Day

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Ways To Be Happy Even When Broke

April 19, 2022

Have you ever gotten to the point where you’re so broke you find yourself snapping at everyone and everything? I bet we all have, and without a doubt, if not dealt with, such situations could spill into other aspects of our personal life and ruin important relationships. Yes, financial struggles can be very challenging but … Continue reading Ways To Be Happy Even When Broke

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Serotonin: What Makes You Happy… Or Depressed

April 19, 2022

Essentially, little things make huge impacts on our health and wellbeing, like the bite of a mosquito, an infection by microbes, a deficiency of vitamins or the insufficiency of a chemical substance required by the body. Doctors and physiologists have linked a change in moods to the increase or decrease in serotonin, also known as the … Continue reading Serotonin: What Makes You Happy… Or Depressed

By nnenna

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Personal Development

Little Ingredients of Happiness

April 19, 2022

Have you ever wondered what makes some people happy and contented while others just wallow in sadness every day? Happiness makes all the difference, you can spot a happy person from a mile away and feel the joy radiating from them. The question is how we remain happy in the face of all the challenges … Continue reading Little Ingredients of Happiness

By jelifat

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The 3 Most Important Things Money Can Do For You

April 19, 2022

“Money can’t buy me love…” the Beatles sang, and they were right. Money can’t buy you happiness either. So, does this mean money is useless? Far from it! Here are a few things money can get for you: 1. Security: Financial security means different things to different people. Money can give you a life of … Continue reading The 3 Most Important Things Money Can Do For You

By jehonwa

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How to Stay Aware and Enjoy Life Fully

April 19, 2022

So I recently started a new job in a beautiful working environment with awesome colleagues. True to the foodie in me, on my first day at work during the lunch break, I headed over to the kitchen to take what I call break-lunch (breakfast+lunch). When I got into the kitchen, I noticed the AC was off and … Continue reading How to Stay Aware and Enjoy Life Fully

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FAMILY Relationships

Musings of a Girl From a Broken Home

April 19, 2022

I read a blog post someone wrote yesterday about the challenges of growing up in a broken home and it just brought back memories. Many people don’t realise how difficult it is to be brought up in a broken home and still turn out great. That’s why for me, the rate of divorce is just … Continue reading Musings of a Girl From a Broken Home

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Opinion Tip of the Day

How to Build and Maintain a Positive Self-Esteem

April 19, 2022

“If only I had worn a better outfit, the presentation would have been different”, “If only I had studied harder, I would have gotten an ‘ A’ instead of a ‘B’”, “If only I had tried more, I would have gotten the promotion”… Just how many times in a day do we have those countless … Continue reading How to Build and Maintain a Positive Self-Esteem

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FAMILY Opinion Relationships

6 Simple Ways to Stay Happy Always

April 19, 2022

If only I can get that house, car, job etc., I will be happy. If only my spouse will be more understanding, if only my children will be more co-operating, I will be happy. Just how many times have we heard people say these words or even said them ourselves? But is happiness really a … Continue reading 6 Simple Ways to Stay Happy Always

Opinion Tip of the Day

5 Steps to Creating Your Own Happiness

April 19, 2022

Happiness is of such fundamental importance to the human condition, and it’s defined as a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. While a lot of people might have different personal definitions of happiness, it is undeniable that each definition touches on a similar … Continue reading 5 Steps to Creating Your Own Happiness

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Tip of the Day

6 Things That May be Standing in The Way of Your Happiness

April 19, 2022

    What is happiness? There are different definitions of what happiness is and it means something different to each individual. To some it could be peace of mind and more money in the bank, whilst it may be having kids and getting married to others. Happiness is subjective but one thing that is mutual … Continue reading 6 Things That May be Standing in The Way of Your Happiness

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