Archives Tag: brand


4 Ways To Make Customers Stay Loyal To Your Brand

April 19, 2022

  Without solid customer loyalty, your brand will go into oblivion in a matter of time. There are countless companies in Nigeria and the world at large, that shut down due to poor customer loyalty. Wise business owners make building customer loyalty a fundamental target for their marketing strategies. Based on several sources, custom loyalty … Continue reading 4 Ways To Make Customers Stay Loyal To Your Brand

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Social Media

Instagram Stories: A Good Way To Grow Your Brand In 2022

April 19, 2022

Social media has been known to be one of the most powerful tools to grow one’s business in this modern world. To become a successful brand manager or marketer, you have to understand the features of most platforms and how to use them. Read more about Social media In this article, we will focus on … Continue reading Instagram Stories: A Good Way To Grow Your Brand In 2022

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4 Keys To Telling A Great Brand Story That Increases Sales

April 19, 2022

  Telling a great brand story is the secret most iconic companies like Apple Inc, Meta, Coca-Cola, Nike, Louis Vuitton, and many others employ to stay ahead of their competitors and rake in more revenue. A brand story is when you effectively tell your audience what your company is all about (why it exists), what … Continue reading 4 Keys To Telling A Great Brand Story That Increases Sales

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How Brand Image Can Be Communicated Through Marketing

April 19, 2022

Brand image is the perception of customers about a particular brand. Image of any brand tends to develop over time and it is formed in the minds of customers based upon the experience and interaction of the customers with the brand. Interactions can take place in different ways and not necessarily only the buying or … Continue reading How Brand Image Can Be Communicated Through Marketing

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5 Steps Towards Discovering Your Niche And Target Market.

April 19, 2022

  In business, if you want to sell to everyone, you will sell to no one. The big truth about successful businesses is that they are niche-driven and target audience-oriented. The best way to grow your brand is that you are within the jurisdiction of your niche and you’re targeting a group of people whom … Continue reading 5 Steps Towards Discovering Your Niche And Target Market.

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Social Media

Easy-To-Implement Twitter Marketing Strategies For Any Brand

April 19, 2022

  Twitter was built to serve as a microblog; where people share their opinions on any topic, and a daily e-recording book for posting personal and inspiring stuff. But over the years, Twitter, like every other social media platform, has evolved into a powerful and influential marketing tool for businesses. Read more about Social Media … Continue reading Easy-To-Implement Twitter Marketing Strategies For Any Brand

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How To

How To Keep Your Content Relevant In A Competitive Content World

April 19, 2022

  It is not enough to create superb content, but the question is if your content is relevant amid millions of contents created daily. There are over a million websites created monthly and are dishing out useful – and also useless – content. Read more about Business The competition in the content world is rife. … Continue reading How To Keep Your Content Relevant In A Competitive Content World

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How To Make A Nigerian Brand Go Global

April 19, 2022

  Picture this: You have built a tremendous idea into a brand. It is well furnished and progressive; your locals are happy to purchase your products and there’s nothing left in the way of your expansion. It is time to explore the new territories of the global market, and you have no idea on how … Continue reading How To Make A Nigerian Brand Go Global

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Is An Online Community A Criteria For Business Growth?

April 19, 2022

  The continuous growth of social media has lately led to greater access to information and business growth at large, because it contains unlimited forums for customers to express themselves. Read more about Business Nowadays, consumers now have the power to explore business and brands before making a decision, and refer others as well, so … Continue reading Is An Online Community A Criteria For Business Growth?

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Tips On How To Rebrand Your Business

April 19, 2022

  To rebrand a business is to change or modify specific aspects of the business, such as the logo, brand colours, brand name, packaging and others. Over the years, several businesses have rebranded successfully. Their reasons, most times, are to give their customers more value, enhance their experiences with the products, make products more interesting … Continue reading Tips On How To Rebrand Your Business

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Understanding Brand Protection In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  According to Wikipedia, Brand protection is the process and set of actions that a right holder undertakes to prevent third parties from using its intellectual property without permission, as this may cause loss of revenue and, usually, more importantly, destroys brand equity, reputation and trust. Read more about Business As your brand grows, it … Continue reading Understanding Brand Protection In Nigeria

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BUSINESS Personal Development

4 Simple Ways To Build Your Personal Brand

April 19, 2022

  The term “personal brand” has become a trending topic in the personal development niche. It has been responsible for keeping many ahead of others. As a matter of fact, few individuals have upscaled their finance, career and businesses through personal branding. The concept of personal branding is right now a factor for job employment … Continue reading 4 Simple Ways To Build Your Personal Brand

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Business Growth Tips: How To Make Your Brand More Visible

April 19, 2022

  The typical business owner wants their brand to be known by their target audience. That’s why entrepreneurs devote a lot of effort—and money –to connecting with potential customers. Smart businesspeople have a marketing strategy and budget that takes care of this. Read more about Business growth tips There are lots of ways to make … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Make Your Brand More Visible

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Building Brand Affinity On Social Media

April 19, 2022

  Think of all the brands you love. From Netflix to Apple, Flutterwave, Microsoft, Cowrywise – etc. Read more about Social Media It was probably not love at first sight, but you have grown to trust the brand. Branding is a journey, and these brands have been able to hack the process. Brand affinity comes … Continue reading Building Brand Affinity On Social Media

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The Importance Of Branding In Small Business

April 19, 2022

  Most people unconsciously think of a company’s logo when it comes to branding. However, while your logo is an important factor to your business brand, branding covers more than the visual elements of your brand. Branding includes not only your company’s visual identity but also your brand personality, brand reputation, and customer experiences and … Continue reading The Importance Of Branding In Small Business

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