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BusinessOntop is a business development services provider based in Lagos. The company delivers a range of corporate solutions to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large-scale organizations in Nigeria. They include market research, building an online presence, developing and executing communications strategies, and consulting for startups.

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There’s a high demand for the sort of services that BusinessOntop offers. Firms seek the expertise that will enable them effectively engage with their target audiences. They want to build a brand for themselves that the public will recognize and remember. And they would like to understand the markets in which they are active.

There’s no shortage of organizations that claim to assist businesses with their planning, research and content management needs. But only a fraction of them is able to aid businesses with solutions that truly spur growth. BusinessOntop identifies as belonging to this category. It points to its longevity as evidence that it’s meeting real needs and gaining the trust of the market that it serves.

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Samuel Uwawah and Grace Uwawah are proprietors of BusinessOntop. The founding team launched it in 2012. In the decade that followed, they expanded the range of services they offered, and significantly grew their client base. They have worked with firms from far-flung locations and completed numerous projects without physically meeting their customers.

BusinessOntop designs websites for businesses, schools, religious bodies, and public sector concerns. It also optimizes sites for web search, so that they rank better on search engine results pages. Companies looking to strengthen their online presence can outsource their content writing and web copywriting assignments to them.

Beyond the web, BusinessOntop writes business plans, business proposals, and feasibility studies for SMEs and startups. It promises that the business documents it prepares for its clients meet international and Bank of Industry (BOI) standards. Entrepreneurs, CEOs and other executives who want a speech written for them for use at an event can hire BusinessOntop to write one for them.

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Individuals, groups, and businesses that intend to organize events can do so with the help of BusinessOntop. It works with vendors to provide everything that’s needed to deliver a successful occasion. And it provides sound systems and Disk Jockey (DJ) for such events as well.

BusinessOntop is just one player in an industry that’s rapidly expanding. But it’s working to distinguish itself from its competitors. It could emerge as a leading business development solutions provider in the not-too-distant future.

Featured Image Source: Nigerian Business Directory
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This article was first published on 6th August 2022
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Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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