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Happy Valentine’s Day. I know I am walking a tight rope here, so I shall endeavour to be careful and temperate with it. I remember my first Valentine and the girl I was to celebrate it with. Funke was her name and I was just fresh out of secondary school with hormones raging and having no idea what love meant. I was somewhat frustrated back then because my upbringing had taught me I had to keep the raging hormones in check regardless. That was the first opportunity I would get to do something about what I had read in Mills & Boon, Hearts, Hints, and James Hardley Chase series. I was determined to stop being called funny names by my already ‘experienced’ friends, so I saved some money and got her something. I cannot remember what it was I got her back then but apparently, she was a disciplined girl and I was somewhat naive. She got the gift I bought; I got nothing. And it all ended.

Moral of the story? None. Valentine’s Day is to everyone what they want it to be. For those who are genuinely in love, it presents a good opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to each other. For those who are not, it’s fine as well. But like a pastor I listened to said: “Whatever you do, do it with your head, knowing that if it comes good or bad, it’s your head that will either enjoy the benefits or bear the consequences.” But whatever you do, whoever you are, single, lonely, in relationships, married, divorced, etc, just enjoy the day. Think deeper on what love truly means – which is the selfless giving of yourself to others, and do something about it. Share the day with your parents (If you are single and lonely o! Don’t go and say Solomon said you should go to your parents when your wife or significant other is very much available), visit the less privileged, or spend the day with other single friends. Do good, share gifts, laugh, play, and be hearty. Because at the end of the day, the 24 hour window will pass, but the experience of the day will stay with you, so make them happy ones, as I plan to do. Speaking of what I plan to do, I asked my missus if she takes Valentine’s Day seriously. She gave me that dry laugh that gives you the hint of: “You are treading on dangerous ground.” So, permit me to run off and get her some last-minute thing. And just before I drop the keyboard, let me wish my friend and brother, Mr. ‘Laide Awosanya and his lovely fiancée, Bimbo a Happy Married Life as they complete their nuptials tomorrow.  
      Solomon Tommy Solomon Tommy is a young professional who lives and works in Lagos. Quite the Christian who believes in love, and life, and has just about no clue on relationships. I give relationship experience; not advice. So just laugh and learn. Follow Solomon on twitter @SouloSkillz

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This article was first published on 14th February 2014

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