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  No one is born a proficient public speaker. Public speaking is a skill that is developed over time. It has been noted that you are more likely to be trusted, taken more seriously and rewarded financially if you are able to articulate and express yourself effectively. This puts public speaking as one of the major hems of success and a pathway to living a fulfilling life.
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You can improve your confidence as a public speaker through the following ways:
  • Preparation and practice: You do not wait for a big event or grand opening that demands your public speaking skills before you begin to develop your speaking abilities. Practising over time helps you get used to the tone and sound of your voice. You begin to discover how your assimilation occurs, master your gesticulation and stage management. This is best done when you have no anxiety built up in anticipation of an engagement. Preparation is the secret of all master public speakers, as nothing beats a prepared individual.
  • Affirmation: Developing a positive image about yourself is done mentally, affirming yourself is done physically. Hearing words of affirmation directed at yourself boosts your morale, and the more you say the words, the more you start to feel like you deserve success and expect it. This spans through all areas of your life but reflects the most in your speaking.
  • Acknowledgement: Don’t try to be a pro when you are not. Acknowledge your feelings and communicate them. If you feel nervous at any point, don’t ignore your feelings. Acknowledging your emotions help you connect with your audience. They start to see that you are human too and are no different from them. When you feel a connection with your audience, it becomes easy to flow freely with them, as it eliminates all fear of judgement.

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  • Knowledge: Gain insight and mastery of your topic of presentation. Knowing your presentation topic inside-out keeps you ready for any happening. You will always be confident when you are knowledgeable and will be able to manoeuvre easily when giving out speeches.
  • Mentorship: Identify speakers you can easily relate to in your niche and learn from them. You can learn by listening to them, reading their books, booking consultations, or buying courses. Ensure that you are actively seeking ways to improve yourself but you must stay conscious so you doo not attempt to simply become a copycat. Embrace your originality, and only look out for principles that will motivate you to unlock your uniqueness.
Public speaking is not such a hard nut to crack if you are willing to put in the work and improve consistently. Whenever you make a speaking mistake, embrace it as a learning point in your career and attempt to move past it. Every successful public speaker has had a fair share of embarrassing moments, but their stories remain astounding because they rose past those moments to build a great feat and establish amiable public speaking careers. Go through this list whenever you feel stuck and repeat all the steps. You will find a solution to your challenge in here. Featured Image Source: The Jet Lawyer
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This article was first published on 25th September 2021


Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.

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