
Search result for: Wellness


Wellness: 6 Foods That Help With Acid Reflux

April 19, 2022

Acid reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach flows right back into the Oesophagus.  This often results in symptoms like belching, heartburn, nausea, and regurgitation. One of the major causes of acid reflux is a weakened or lower Oesophageal sphincter. A normal LES functions as a buffer that protects the Oesophagus by … Continue reading Wellness: 6 Foods That Help With Acid Reflux

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Food Health

Wellness: 5 Anti-Allergy Foods You Should Start Eating Today

April 19, 2022

Allergies can be a pain especially when they occur seasonally. If you experience allergies such as a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes often and during certain times of the year then there may be ways you can curb them. The secret lies in your immune system, which plays a big role in the management … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Anti-Allergy Foods You Should Start Eating Today

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Wellness: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Doctor’s Appointment

April 19, 2022

A visit to the doctor’s office to a great extent plays a crucial role in how well one recovers from an ailment. This often interrogatory moment by the doctor shouldn’t be taken for granted but rather seen as an opportunity to engage in conversations that will lead to the betterment of one’s health. Prepping before … Continue reading Wellness: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Doctor’s Appointment

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Health Men

Wellness: 6 Testosterone-Boosting Foods For Men

April 19, 2022

Testosterone is the sex hormone in men. It carries out a whole range of functions from improving sex drive to building muscles, from strengthening bones to maintaining reproductive health. In a nutshell, it is responsible for many qualities that make men masculine. Hence, it pays to be attentive to your Testosterone levels. Of all the … Continue reading Wellness: 6 Testosterone-Boosting Foods For Men

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Health TECH

Wellness: Top 4 Healthcare Apps You Should Know

April 19, 2022

Staying healthy is definitely more than just paying visits to the doctor when ill. It entails a lot more like eating the right diet, exercising, managing your medications, and nurturing your body and mind. All these in a broken healthcare system can definitely set a discouraging tone to the prospect of looking after one’s own … Continue reading Wellness: Top 4 Healthcare Apps You Should Know

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Wellness: 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Sitting So Much

April 19, 2022

According to a popular African saying “Too much of anything is bad”. Interestingly, this quote applies to virtually all facets of life. Eating excessively will make you susceptible to weight gain and a myriad of health problems down the line in the same way eating too little will lead to malnutrition and a weakened immune … Continue reading Wellness: 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Sitting So Much

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Wellness: Do you have Anxiety? Here Is How You Can Deal With It

April 19, 2022

Do you ever feel an unexplainable fear over certain situations? You know your fear is excessive and irrational but you can’t just seem to talk yourself out of it. This state of mind is called anxiety. Everyone gets anxious from time to time because it is our body’s natural response to stressful situations. However, when … Continue reading Wellness: Do you have Anxiety? Here Is How You Can Deal With It

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Wellness: What You Should Know About Probiotics

April 19, 2022

The human body is home to numerous bacteria which are concentrated especially in the digestive tract. These bacteria comprise of two types: the good and the bad. Studies show that for the body to function normally in many aspects of health, there must be a balance between the good and bad bacteria in the digestive … Continue reading Wellness: What You Should Know About Probiotics

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Get Ready for the Lagos Fitness and Wellness Festival 2016

April 19, 2022

If you’re a fitness junkie living in Lagos or just looking to have some fun outdoors with family and friends, then you should mark this date on your calendar: November 19, 2016. There’s an event slated to hold on that day you wouldn’t want to miss. It’s the Lagos Fitness and Wellness Festival. The Lagos … Continue reading Get Ready for the Lagos Fitness and Wellness Festival 2016

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Tip of the Day Tourism Travel

Wellness Tourism: 4 Tips For Your Next Holiday Spa Treatment

April 19, 2022

Your once in a lifetime wellness retreat is booked and you are counting down the days! A wellness retreat takes you away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and grants the opportunity to bask in the elegance of stimulating scented oils and soothing massages. Wellness tourism is quickly gaining momentum in Africa evident … Continue reading Wellness Tourism: 4 Tips For Your Next Holiday Spa Treatment

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Health Reviews

Who to Follow on Twitter: Health and Wellness Tweeters

April 19, 2022

Wondering who to follow on Twitter this weekend? Health is wealth! The way you take care of your body determines how well and how long it will serve you. For medical advice and tips from healthier living enthusiasts, check out the following handles: 1. @naijamedics Bio: 1. For the Nigerian medical community irrespective of specialty, … Continue reading Who to Follow on Twitter: Health and Wellness Tweeters

By jehonwa

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Vivo Vibrante Sano Holds Wellness Weekend Retreat

April 19, 2022

Vivo Vibrante Sano (VVS) is a holistic wellness weekend retreat, one of the first in Nigeria. It is taking place at the Clear Essence California Spa and Wellness Resort in Ikoyi, Lagos from the 4th to 6th October 2013. The aim of VVS is to address the under-explored topic of holistic health for the twenty-first … Continue reading Vivo Vibrante Sano Holds Wellness Weekend Retreat

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Business Day Presents Corporate Health, Wellness and Safety Roundtable 2013

April 19, 2022

Creating a Business Case for Workplace begins with developing the important health habits. During tough times, business owners are faced with the challenge of making critical decisions aimed at reducing fixed costs to improve their financials at year-end. Putting together initiatives such as employee celebrations, staff retreats, psychological and emotional well-being of your employees are … Continue reading Business Day Presents Corporate Health, Wellness and Safety Roundtable 2013

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5 Steps to Mental Well-Being

April 19, 2022

  Life can get overwhelming at times. We juggle work, relationships, and daily responsibilities, and it’s easy to forget to take care of our mental health. But just like physical health, your mind needs attention and care too. The good news? You don’t need expensive therapy sessions or complicated routines to nurture your mental well-being. … Continue reading 5 Steps to Mental Well-Being

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How to Make Exercise Fun and Enjoyable

April 19, 2022

  We’ve all heard the advice to exercise regularly, but let’s be real—it’s not always fun, right? If the thought of hitting the gym or going for a run feels more like a chore than a chance to boost your mood and health, you’re not alone. However, exercise can be something you genuinely look forward … Continue reading How to Make Exercise Fun and Enjoyable

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