
Search result for: Men You Should Know


Dream Job or a Career that Pays the Bills: Which Should You Choose?

April 19, 2022

Your favourite motivational speaker says you should pursue your dream job, even if it makes you lose two-thirds your current weight. But your relatives think that’s a silly way to live your life. They tell you to hunt that seven-figure salaried position at an oil company instead. It’s commonsense, they say; you need to pay … Continue reading Dream Job or a Career that Pays the Bills: Which Should You Choose?

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5 Fruits that Keep Your Skin Healthy

April 19, 2022

It is high time we started paying more attention to what goes into our system than what is applied on it. Much more than the outward protection, what we eat has a massive effect on the improvement of the skin and this should be given utmost concern. Our skin is majorly nourished by this parameter … Continue reading 5 Fruits that Keep Your Skin Healthy

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Social Media

Social Media Accounts To Follow: 4 Female Financial Gurus You Should Follow

April 19, 2022

If a book that held the absolute answer to becoming rich existed, most young adults would literally scuffle for it. Apparently, no such book exists in today’s world; instead, there are a thousand and one books of this nature circulating the market. It is easy to get lost in the piles of information available about … Continue reading Social Media Accounts To Follow: 4 Female Financial Gurus You Should Follow

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Did You Know?

Did You Know? NTA Jos Was The First TV Station In West Africa To Broadcast In Colour

April 19, 2022

The first terrestrial television broadcast in Africa was from Ibadan (now NTA Ibadan) in 1959, in the present day Oyo state. TV stations began to spring up soon after in various locations, but they all broadcast in black and white until Benue/Plateau Television (BPTV) Jos, now NTA Jos, took television one notch higher with its … Continue reading Did You Know? NTA Jos Was The First TV Station In West Africa To Broadcast In Colour

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BUSINESS Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Conversion Rate

April 19, 2022

Social Media is unarguably one of the best lead generation tools available today, yet, the conversion rates of many businesses utilising it are far from impressive. You may be investing a great deal of time and effort on social media in order to generate leads but if you are missing the important details, your efforts … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Conversion Rate

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Ore Fakorede On Sleep Being Your Superpower

April 19, 2022

Last week at SMW Lagos, I attended a session facilitated by Ore Fakorede on sleep. It held in a room with two-rowed, medium-sized benches. By the time I checked, it was 6:33 pm. I had stayed longer than planned. I had sat for the whole presentation. Ore Fakorede did not bewitch me (that was not his … Continue reading Ore Fakorede On Sleep Being Your Superpower

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: What Small Business Owners Should Know

April 19, 2022

As a business owner looking to build a successful business, it is important that you inculcate strategies that would help you manage your time and resources more effectively. Social Media has made it easier than ever to connect with your customers, create brand awareness, and generate leads but you may find it difficult to achieve … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: What Small Business Owners Should Know

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How to Answer the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Interview Question

April 19, 2022

Imagine that you’re on the hot seat at a job interview, and the interviewer has just made the famous request: tell me about yourself. He’s staring at you intently, waiting for your answer to begin rolling out. How would you respond? Of course, it’s an ambiguous question. In fact, it’s deliberately designed to be ambiguous. … Continue reading How to Answer the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Interview Question

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Food skin care

Did You Know? Tomato is a Great Skincare Product

April 19, 2022

Tomato is a staple fruit found in every kitchen. While many can name a number of dishes prepared with tomatoes, only a few are aware of the cosmetic value of this fruit. Tomatoes have high potassium and vitamin C contents; these have the ability to transform the dullest skins and ensure a healthy, smooth and youthful … Continue reading Did You Know? Tomato is a Great Skincare Product

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Social Media

Social Media Accounts To Follow: 5 “Under 40” Female Entrepreneurs You Should Follow 

April 19, 2022

Entrepreneurship is definitely not child’s play, but there are women who have delved into it taking up the reins of their careers and proving that anyone can run a business irrespective of gender or socioeconomic background. Here are 5 inspiring women all under the age of 40 whom you can learn from in your entrepreneurial … Continue reading Social Media Accounts To Follow: 5 “Under 40” Female Entrepreneurs You Should Follow 

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Business Ideas

Business Growth Tip: Understanding Your Customer’s Language

April 19, 2022

What does it mean to understand your customer’s language? We aren’t talking about getting a grip on your customer’s native tongue and communicating in it with them (although this could appeal to their emotional and cultural sensitivities). We’re referring to your ability to tell such things as their mood and personality, perhaps even demographic group … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: Understanding Your Customer’s Language

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Mr President, Arms of Government and Constitutional Supremacy

April 19, 2022

It may be said that no two nations run an exactly similar type of government. Based on their political evolution, every country adapts their own system of government. In Nigeria too, you would find that the national government is branched into 3 arms comprising the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. These 3 arms are present in … Continue reading Mr President, Arms of Government and Constitutional Supremacy

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Did You Know?

Did You Know: Lagos state is the Smallest state in Nigeria?

April 19, 2022

Lagos is popular…and populous. In fact, it is arguably Nigeria’s most viable and economically important state. Yet, as popular and populous as Lagos state is, it is actually the smallest state in Nigeria, in terms of surface area. In more specific terms, Lagos state is only about 3,345 km2 surface area (though some sources argue … Continue reading Did You Know: Lagos state is the Smallest state in Nigeria?

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5 Things You Should Know About Taxes in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

How much do you know about taxes in Nigeria? Do you know if you’re eligible to pay taxes? And if you should be paying them, do you know which ones, or who should be collecting them? Available evidence suggests that we aren’t very good at meeting up with our tax obligations on this patch of … Continue reading 5 Things You Should Know About Taxes in Nigeria

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4 Ways To Prepare For Your First-Ever Zip-Lining Experience In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Zip-lining is a relatively new adventure activity here in Nigerian, as is Bungee jumping. Many people don’t even know they can do both right here without having to travel out of the country. The fear of the unknown coupled with the knowledge of the risks involved hinders a lot of Nigerians who know about Zip-lining … Continue reading 4 Ways To Prepare For Your First-Ever Zip-Lining Experience In Nigeria

By ann

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