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Social Media

What You Should Know About Social Media Content Monetization

April 19, 2022

  Social media content monetization is the process of generating revenue from the content shared on various social media platforms. This concept has gained immense popularity as individuals and businesses discover the potential to earn through creative and strategic online engagement. Read more about Social Media From leveraging advertising revenue to initiating subscription models, there … Continue reading What You Should Know About Social Media Content Monetization

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Social Media

Social Media Budget: Making Your Money Matter on Social Media

April 19, 2022

  Social media is a goldmine for businesses, but you need a shovel to dig out those nuggets! That shovel? Your social media budget. Here’s how to build a social media budget that helps you reach your goals without breaking the bank. Read more about Social Media Step 1: Knowing Where You’re Going (and Who … Continue reading Social Media Budget: Making Your Money Matter on Social Media

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How To Grow Your Business with the Franchising Model

April 19, 2022

  The process of expanding a business may be exciting, but it’s also often quite challenging. Although the traditional route of opening new branches might seem like the obvious choice, it typically comes with significant risks and resource requirements. However, there’s a powerful alternative that many successful companies have utilized to scale rapidly and efficiently: … Continue reading How To Grow Your Business with the Franchising Model

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Top 10 Steps to Protect Your Data in the Fintech Age

April 19, 2022

  In financial technology (fintech), the protection of personal and financial data has become a paramount concern. As we deal with this current digital age, understanding and implementing robust measures to protect our data is crucial. In this article, I will share with you the top 10 steps you can take to safeguard your data … Continue reading Top 10 Steps to Protect Your Data in the Fintech Age

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Jumpstart Your March with This Q1 Checklist for Your Business

April 19, 2022

  As move into March, it’s the perfect time for businesses to assess their progress in the first quarter (Q1) of the year. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, having a checklist can streamline your operations and set a strong foundation for the months ahead. Here’s a comprehensive Q1 checklist to kick-start … Continue reading Jumpstart Your March with This Q1 Checklist for Your Business

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5 Ways to Raise the Quality of Your Business’s Customer Experience (cx)

April 19, 2022

  Providing exceptional customer experience (CX) isn’t just a nicety; it’s a necessity. Businesses that prioritize customer experience (CX) tend to outperform their competitors, retain customers longer, and enjoy higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the end, these translate to greater sales, higher revenues, stronger profitability, and sustained growth. If you’re looking to … Continue reading 5 Ways to Raise the Quality of Your Business’s Customer Experience (cx)

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BUSINESS Uncategorized

Experimental Marketing: Unleashing Innovation for Business Success

April 19, 2022

  In the dynamic landscape of modern business, traditional marketing approaches are often met with the challenge of saturation and evolving consumer expectations. This has paved the way for experimental marketing strategies, a paradigm shift that embraces innovation, interactivity, and a personalized approach. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the realm of experimental marketing … Continue reading Experimental Marketing: Unleashing Innovation for Business Success

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7 Items You Should Take Along with You on a Road Trip

April 19, 2022

  Going on a road trip is an exhilarating adventure, but it’s essential to be well-prepared for a journey that is both comfortable and enjoyable. In this article, I highlight seven crucial items that you need to take along on your road trip. Do you care to know what they are? Read on! Read more … Continue reading 7 Items You Should Take Along with You on a Road Trip

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Personal Development

Tips To Learn a New Skill That Will Change Your Life

April 19, 2022

  Feeling that familiar Monday slump? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. But what if, instead of hitting snooze, you could jumpstart your week with something exciting? In this article, I’ll be sharing tips that could help you learn a new skill that could seriously transform your life! Read more about Personal Development Why Learn … Continue reading Tips To Learn a New Skill That Will Change Your Life

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What Triggers Your Customers to Buy from You?

April 19, 2022

  In the ever-evolving landscape of business, success hinges on a deep understanding of consumers and the factors that influence their purchasing decisions. Knowing your customer is not just a buzzword; it’s a strategic imperative that can be the difference between a thriving business and one struggling to stay afloat. In this article, we will … Continue reading What Triggers Your Customers to Buy from You?

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Nigeria French Language Village: What You Should Know

April 19, 2022

  The Nigeria French Language Village (French: Village français du Nigéria or French Village) stands as a unique inter-university centre for French studies in Nigeria. Nestled in Badagry, Lagos State, this autonomous federal tertiary institution operates under the regulation of the Nigerian National Universities Commission. Read more about Education Established in 1991, the centre offers … Continue reading Nigeria French Language Village: What You Should Know

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How To Craft Your Elevator Pitch

April 19, 2022

  An elevator pitch is like a mini-story about you or your business. Imagine you step into an elevator, and you only have the time it takes to ride from one floor to another to tell someone about yourself or what you do. How do you make it intriguing and memorable? Let’s break down crafting … Continue reading How To Craft Your Elevator Pitch

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Top 10 Business Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Tune Into

April 19, 2022

  Being an entrepreneur in Nigeria and even anywhere else can be both exciting and challenging. To help entrepreneurs navigate this path, I have curated a list of the top 10 business podcasts that offer valuable insights, inspiration, and practical advice. Ready? Let’s get started! Read more about Business The StartUp HalfHour Podcast Enter the … Continue reading Top 10 Business Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Tune Into

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Real Estate

25 Real Estate Terms You Should Know

April 19, 2022

  Real estate, like every other industry, has its unique set of terms used by its professionals to refer to various objects and processes of the trade. You are almost certainly familiar with some. For instance, you know that the word ‘property’ means land or building. And you’re aware that a landlord is a person … Continue reading 25 Real Estate Terms You Should Know

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How To Tell if Your PropTech Business Idea is Worth Pursuing

April 19, 2022

  The intersection of real estate and contemporary technology—two of the highest ROI sectors that currently exist –has the potential to yield massive returns to ventures in this domain. But business ideas in PropTech (what this segment is called) aren’t all created equal. Some are extremely viable, as they propose solutions for a large and … Continue reading How To Tell if Your PropTech Business Idea is Worth Pursuing

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