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Peculiarity and difference make up the distinctions amongst people. It is common to expect varieties when it comes to foods in Nigeria, considering the diverse ethnic groups in the country.

There are yet many Nigerian foods you don’t know. We’ll probably discuss one today- tuwo shinkafa!

The Northern part of Nigeria, predominantly occupied by Hausas and Fulanis, is said to be the home for grains. Hence, most of their meals are made from grains like rice, millet, sorghum and the like.

Tuwo Shinkafa is a northern Nigerian fufu that is prepared from mashed boiled rice. It is usually served with common northern soups like miyan taushe and miyan kuka, and it also goes well with other soups.

Because the rice will be mashed in order to make a mould, the type of rice used for the preparation of tuwo shinkafa is usually soft. The consistency is also dependent on the choice of the individual/family; some like it thick, others prefer it soft.

Tuwo shinkafa is another way of enjoying rice and an alternative to eba or fufu made from cassava, wheat and the like. Try it sometime.

Sources: Wikivividly, Research Gate, Revolvy, Nigerian Food TV, Wikipedia, Cianna Michelle Blog,

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This article was first published on 12th November 2018
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An Environment Resource Management graduate of Abia State University with her Masters in-view, Chinwe is also a Columnist, an OAP, a sought-after motivational speaker and writer with special interest in food and the balance of diet.

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One thought on “Origin of Nigerian Foods: Tuwo Shinkafa”

  • I never heard about such a dish, but it’s very interesting and I want to try

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