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As they say, too much of everything is not good.  Having everything in moderation is not just a rule applied to taking sugar or having too many cookies. The same can be said for eating in moderation. You probably didn’t know that no matter how nutritious a food can be, if taken too much can be bad for your health. Eating a moderate meal and having a balanced diet can help with weight control and help you stay healthy. When you start eating what your body craves, in the right amount your body needs, you will find that you will have a balanced and broader food choice. Here are some healthy foods that should be consumed in moderate portions: Banana: Bananas have health benefits like; fighting cancer, increases energy levels, reduces bloating. It’s also rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium and vitamin B-6.  However, they are known to cause weight gain. Having too many is certainly not good for the health. One medium banana contains nearly 10 percent of the potassium you need for an entire day, they fill you up with relatively few calories, which helps you maintain a healthy weight. One large banana contains around 120 calories and for every 3,500 calories added, you gain about one pound of body fat. So it’s best to stop after one.

Tomatoes/ oranges:

They are acidic, meaning they have lower pH levels than others produce. This acidity can disrupt the pH balance in your body. Studies have shown that increased acid intake associated with eating too many oranges or tomatoes can lead to acid reflux. It is recommended to stick to no more than two oranges/tomatoes a day or avoid these foods altogether if you already have symptoms of reflux. Soya: It is a healthy plant-based protein go-to for those looking to avoid meat. It’s also good for cholesterol and blood pressure at moderate levels. But, excessive intake has the potential to cause iron-deficiency anaemia. Recent studies have also found soya might cause fetus disruption and premature puberty. You shouldn’t have more than two servings of soya per day or less.    Spinach: The delicious leafy green it’s packed with nutrients that your body needs. It’s a great source of fibre, protein and vitamins and minerals, including lutein, which can help prevent muscular degeneration. That said, it’s also high in oxalate, a compound that can cause kidney stones. It’s advisable to people with calcium oxalate kidney stones to avoid eating spinach in high quantities.


While drinking plenty water is good for the health, but excessive water intake can cause water intoxication; this happens when taking too much water dilutes your sodium levels. This could result in an unhealthy low blood sodium level which can lead to impaired brain function and even death. Make sure you’re not consuming too much water, don’t force yourself to over-drink. Check your urine: If it’s always clear, reduce your intake. Potatoes: Potatoes are full of nutrients including vitamin B6, bloat-banishing potassium and filling fibre. They’re also rich in antioxidants and can help to lower blood pressure. Studies, however, have shown that eating potatoes four or more times has the tendency to increase the risk of high blood pressure. Fried and mashed potatoes can also add up calories in the fat department. It’s best to eat them occasionally.

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This article was first published on 18th August 2017


Becky Onoise is a psychologist, chocolate junkie, and puppy lover. A writer who is sorry... not sorry about correcting your grammar. She's a word enthusiast and aims to achieve her goals. Instagram handle @mz_berkey

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One thought on “Nutritious Foods You Should Consume Moderately”

  • Hmmmmm…..potatoes……

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