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Hello dear readers, how are you doing today? I hope you slept well and woke up on the right side of the bed. As for me, I am as fit as a fiddle. You know there are some things we do take for granted. For instance, we can read and understand this article. Do you know there are lots of blind people and also a whole lot of mentally challenged people who cannot tell their right from wrong, not to talk of reading.
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So next time when you do wake up from the bed and you are able to walk, eat, talk, see, etc do give thanks to Almighty God. Today we will be looking at this wonder fruit known as Bitter kola. Bitter kola is also known as Garcinia kola. It is found in Nigeria and other rainforest regions in West Africa. Bitter kola has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It also protects the body from various forms of cancer and other diseases. Let’s look at 11 health benefits of Bitter kola:
  • Bitter kola has been known to be an effective treatment for diabetes. It is known to regulate blood sugar levels by reducing and normalising it.
  • Bitter kola has been known to help treat malaria. It has also been used to treat acute fever, throat infections and the inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Bitter kola is rich in antioxidants. It helps to fight disease and to build the immune system.
  • Bitter kola is a great remedy for Glaucoma which is a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball causing loss of sight. Bitter kola is a very effective treatment for it when eaten twice a day.

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  • Bitter kola also helps to reduce the pain and inflammation thereby increasing joint movements in cases of osteoarthritis.
  • Bitter kola is also known to neutralise snake poison and scorpion bite.
  • Due to the anti-poisonous. nature of Bitter kola, it helps to prevent bacterial infections caused by food poisoning.
  • Bitter kola is an effective treatment for the throat as it helps to treat sore throat and hoarseness. It helps to clear the throat.
  • It is an effective treatment for cough.
  • It is a great treatment for chest colds.
  • Bitter kola can also be eaten to improve sperm count, libido, promote testicular weight, erection and ejaculation.
As you can see, dear readers, Bitter kola is a must-have in our homes because of its immense benefits. Okay, this is all we have for today, join us next time as we bring to you another wonder food. Till then it’s I your Nature Pharmacist, OCB, cheers. Featured Image Source: Pulse NG
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This article was first published on 1st December 2020


Oluwaseun Carew-Bakare also known as OCB is one who has done a lot of research about the various types of herbs, vegetables, and fruits and their healing properties. She is a Nature Pharmacist and through the years, she has written books such as "My book of medicinal herbs, fruits and vegetables" which ranks at number 1 on Google and Yahoo's search engines. She has also written other books about the healing powers of food. She is married with children.

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