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  The fear of rejection is innate in all humans. We’re all familiar with the feelings that arise when we get rejected. And we know they’re not often pleasant. However, we must stand and dust ourselves each time we fall. It is difficult to do this when you’re held back by the fear of rejection. This fear can be crippling and cause us to miss out on many things in life.
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How then do you overcome the fear of rejection? The answer lies in the way you view rejection and not in the rejection itself. With the right mindset, you can stop the fear of rejection from holding you back and take action when it’s required.

Give Yourself Some Credit  

Anyone can get rejected. All it takes is a courageous move to demand more out of life and BOOM! – rejection becomes imminent. The true heroes are those who act in spite of their fear and take the necessary steps to get more out of life. If you’re one of such heroes, then you have no reason to be afraid of how others view you. Give yourself some credit for taking action in areas where others are paralysed by fear.

Have A Plan B 

The fear of rejection often stems from a scarcity mindset. If you have many options, you won’t worry so much about one option failing, unlike if you have only one option. The only way to have many options is to create them. Start looking for opportunities in whatever you do. Become a problem solver. Keep learning. And most importantly, don’t doubt yourself when it comes to the things you could achieve.
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Vulnerability Is The Spice Of Life 

Opening yourself up to rejection means being vulnerable; this is why people fear rejection. But vulnerability is something we all have to face at one time or the other. It’s not a sign that we’re flawed; rather it’s a sign that we are human. When we own our vulnerability, we come to the realisation that it may be one of the best things about us.

Do Not Hesitate

The longer you hesitate, the stronger the feeling of fear becomes. Most times, the excuse is that we’re waiting for the right time, feeling, or moment to act. Waiting is what fuels the fear. If you believe the risk is worth taking and will add value to your life, even if you fail, then do it. The regret of not taking a risk is far greater than the one that comes with failure. Featured Image Source: Verywell Mind
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This article was first published on 18th January 2021


My name is Samuel Okoruwa. I am an ardent researcher, reading is life and writing is fun.

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