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The beautiful thing about a lot of Nigerian dishes is their cross-border differences. The dishes that come out of Nigeria always have a cultural-edge and they never fall short of praise after a first-time taste. One of such many delicacies is the Margi Special – with its northern Nigerian heritage, the dish is also know as ‘Meltuble’.


1 Medium Catfish (Cut into chunks) 1 cup of white zobo leaves 2 large Tomatoes 3 Scotch bonnet peppers 1 medium Onion (Chopped) 1 small bunch of Green vegetables 1 cooking spoon of Palm Oil Seasoning Cubes Salt to taste


Wash catfish, season and set aside Chop tomatoes, peppers, green vegetables and onions and set aside Heat 2 cups of water and pour into a bowl with white zobo leaves and leave to soak for a while (it should be left to soak long enough for the sour flavor to be diluted or add some potash with the zobo leaves to reduce the sour taste) Pour the fluid from the soaked zobo in a pot and leave to boil. Put in the tomatoes, peppers and onions and boil in the zobo juice. Season and pour in the catfish and leave to boil in the same pot. Add the soaked zobo leaves to the pot and stir. Add the oil and add the chopped vegetables. Serve with tuwo shinkafa or any swallow of your choice.   Source: Afrolems

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This article was first published on 5th July 2018
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Amara Adanna Ogbonna is a Christian, foodie, and lover of arts. She spends most of her time on Facebook.

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