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Watermelon, refreshing, red and juicy. High in vitamins A and C as well as B6. A slice of the fruit contains about 86 calories and less than a gram of fat. They do excellently in salads, drinks, smoothies, and cocktails just as I’ll be sharing in the recipe below Bonus tip: when selecting your melon, knock on it and listen for a hollow sound Watermelon cocktail (without alcohol) Servings: 3 Preparation time: 5 minutes Ingredients
  • 3 slices of seedless watermelon
  • Sugar
  • Ice Cubes
  • 2 tablespoon of lime juice or lemon.
Instructions Combine the melon, Ice cubes and sugar in a blender or food processor, blend till desired thickness is achieved. Strain using a fine mesh strainer, pour into a jug, stir in the lime/lemon juice Serve, enjoy.

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This article was first published on 15th September 2017 and updated on September 18th, 2017 at 9:21 am


Amara Adanna Ogbonna is a Christian, foodie, and lover of arts. She spends most of her time on Facebook.

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One thought on “How to Make Watermelon Cocktails”

  • Has anyone ever been to JHT Vape? 🙂

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