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Studies by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), show that 96% of Nigerian businesses are SMEs. Based on these studies, it is obvious that SMEs are the future of the Nigerian economy. But to achieve great SMEs, we must have great employees. The role of dedicated and knowledgeable employees (7 Star Workers) can not be overemphasized in the growth of SMEs. If you are reading this and you missed the conference; and you are wondering how you can become this 7 star worker, who is indispensable to his/her organization, take a pen and paper and jot down these few points. These are the characteristics of a 7 Star Worker:   1. Passion: A 7 star worker cares about what he/she does. The fastest way to achieve excellence is by loving what you do. If you do not like your job, find one you like because when the going gets tough, your passion will drive you forward and prevent you from giving up. 2. Gives more than it takes: A 7 star worker works beyond his/her job description. Work for the position you want not the position you are in and soon, your employer will take you there. 3. Keeps learning: Constantly find ways to improve yourself. There are so many platforms to grow from: books, seminars, blogs etc. Never stop learning! 4. Ambitious: Avoid mediocrity at all cost! Keep dreaming and be purposeful. 5. Has a good mentor: Click here to learn how to choose the perfect mentor to guide you towards the great future that awaits every 7 star worker. 6. Loyal: Care about the company because whether you like it or not, your success is tied to the success of your company. When your company becomes a global brand, your loyalty will pay off. 7. Competent and responsible: Avoid excuses like a plague because they are tools in the hands of the incompetent and those who use them rarely amount to anything. Take responsibilty for mistakes and continually strive to be better. 8. Right attitude: Be kind and polite to everyone you meet especially clients. People never forget kind acts. It will earn you favour in future. 9. Positive brand: Integrity and hard work will earn you good referrals that will create better opportunities for you in future. Be known for uprightness, diligence and punctuality. 10. Curious: Keep looking for ways to make things better. Always ask “how can we do this better?” “Is there a better way to do this?”   Were you at the conference? Did you learn any lesson you would like to share? Please share it in the comments section below.       About the Writer: Ejura Salihu is a writer and editor at Connect Nigeria. She is passionate about Nigeria and impacting lives positively. Connect with her on twitter @icyquin_msc          

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This article was first published on 4th May 2015 and updated on May 11th, 2015 at 3:04 pm


Ejura Salihu is an Anatomist, Writer and Editor. She is currently the Editor-in-chief for Connect Nigeria. You can contact her via email: or follow her on twitter @icyquin_msc

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