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You can officially say goodbye to buying ice cream with this great new recipe! Ice cream is a popular treat loved by kids and adults alike. It’s sweet, melts nicely in your mouth and is a great way to cool yourself down on a hot sunny day. These and more are the reasons why it’s a favourite dessert at outdoor parties or the beach. While it looks complex to prepare, ice cream can actually be made right in your kitchen with simple ingredients and strangely enough, a plastic bag. Make it a fun activity by inviting your friends and family to prepare a batch with you.   INGREDIENTS 1. 1/2 cup of milk 2. 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla 3. 1 tablespoon of sugar 4. 4 cups of crushed ice 5. 4 tablespoons of salt   EQUIPMENT 1. 2 quart-sized Ziploc bags 2. 1 gallon-sized Ziploc freezer bag 3. A hand towel or gloves     INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mix the milk, vanilla and sugar together in one of the quart-sized bags. 2. After sealing the bag tightly, place it in another quart-sized bag and seal tightly as well. 3. Put the double-bagged mixture in the gallon sized bag. 4. Fill this third bag with ice cubes and some salt before sealing it up. The aim is to freeze the cream mixture within by surrounding it with ice cubes. 5. Use the towel to wrap up the bag before massaging its overall surface thoroughly. Do this for about five to ten minutes.   Voila! Your ice cream is ready to be served.         About the Writer: Dora George is a Lagos-based writer who likes to learn new things every day. She is also an avid reader and food lover.  

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This article was first published on 22nd April 2015

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