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How to live tweet an event connect nigeria In a world dominated by an abundance of social media channels, live-tweeting an event has become the amplification medium of choice. Live-tweeting gives brands the ability to reach hitherto unreached audiences and create awareness for their brand. Speaker quotes, industry trends and facts and figures are given special consideration during an event. Live-tweeting is an easy skill to pick up and can be a valuable source of income for those looking for additional sources of income. To conduct a successful live-tweeting session at a conference, seminar or product launch, the following are needed:
  1. A suitable hashtag
  2. A social media manager
  3. Backup power source
Here’s a 5-step guide on how to live tweet an event:
  • Create a suitable hashtag or find the hashtag the organizers have picked. Make it short so that plenty of characters are left for your tweets. Use the hashtag at the end of each tweet so your online audience can easily follow your organization’s event.
  • Pay Attention. Pay attention to what the speaker is saying. You don’t want to miss out on facts, figures and quotes during the event. Highlight the thoughts that strike you as particularly interesting and that deserve to be shared with your audience.
  • Know your audience. This helps you focus and bring tweets that are relevant to your audience into the twitter conversation.
  • Use rich media. Include videos, images and links to websites in your tweets. Audiences respond more to tweets with images and videos than just plain text. You can use the Twitpic function on your smartphone to share images.
  • Create a summary blog post. Take note of the most interesting conversations that happened on Twitter during the event and “Favorite” them. Use twitter search to look for your hashtag then use those tweets to write a follow-up blog post with all the best tweets from the session. Make sure the tweets feature a healthy mixture of your own and your attendees’ tweets.
Enjoy the experience! About the author: Roman Ajiboye is a freelance writer who loves books, social media and the web. His articles have appeared on and He writes opinion pieces via, personal essays on his blog, and tweets via @HammedAjiboye

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This article was first published on 29th October 2014

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