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ESQ Notwithstanding the prolonged reforms of the legal and regulatory framework governing petroleum operations in the Nigerian oil and gas industry, especially due to the non-passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), international and local companies continue to find and take advantage of several investment opportunities. Such opportunities arise amid substantial legal risks and regulatory challenges. How has the industry capitalized on the opportunities and dealt with the legal risks and regulatory challenges? Looking ahead, what are the options to be considered in creating a fair and effective legal/regulatory framework in the mid and long-term to enhance investments and growth in the industry? What are the implications of the extant legal and regulatory uncertainties on international petroleum industry expansion and volatile oil prices, including the shale oil and gas revolution e.t.c. for Nigeria? How can Nigeria continue to attract investments and sustain the growth and development of its petroleum industry amidst competition from other Sub-Saharan African countries? What are the available (mid and long term) options for creating an enabling and reliable legal and regulatory environment to boost oil and gas production/investments? and how can these options be implemented in Nigeria? What are the opportunities and relevant challenges in a viable and robust Nigerian energy industry? How can the law and governmental policies effectively sustain investments and operations in the offshore and frontier acreages? What are the challenges and solutions needed for a viable domestic refining and petrochemical sub-sector? What role will the local players play in the future prosperity of the sector? What lessons can they learn from the IOCs in designing their management, capital and equity structure? Will their emergence lead to a technology transfer or provide more high level jobs for the expatriates? Holding in Lagos, the commercial heart of Nigeria’s oil and gas industry, the ESQ Oil and Gas Summit of 2013 will feature in-depth discussions and essential updates and debates on all these topics and more. The summit will consist of keynote addresses and special paper presentations with a heavy weight panel deliberating on the paper before opening up the floor for further discussions. The high profile speakers and panelists will share their well researched thoughts. Theme: Beyond the Wave of Reforms, Opportunities and Challenges in Nigeria. Venue: The Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos. Date: 9th-10th, April, 2013. Time: 9am – 5pm daily. Speakers include: Oscar Onyema — CEO, Nigerian Stock Exchange; Ibe Kachikwu — Vice Chairman, Mobil; David Ige — Group Executive Director Gas and Power, NNPC; and Obinna Ufudo — MD Transcorp. Delegates Fee: N57,000 To register, make payment to: Account Name: Legal Blitz Legal Consultancy Bank: Ecobank Plc Account No: 1722006106 OR Account Name: Legal Blitz Legal Consultancy Bank: Keystone Bank Account No: 1000557736. Cheques should be made payable to Legal Blitz Legal Consultancy. For Details or Discount: Call Feyikemi on 08065171962 or ‘Lere on 08035269055 or e-mail: events [at]

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This article was first published on 7th March 2013 and updated on March 11th, 2013 at 7:46 am

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