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job-application-letter-e1403363449301   Everyone who plans on entering the corporate world will have to write an application letter at some point. Letters are so important that school curriculums include it, even at the primary school level. Whether you’re applying for a job, a contract, a bank loan, your school statement of results or just asking permission to take a break, it is imperative that you know exactly how to go about it. With letter writing being taught at such a basic level in schools, it can be pretty embarrassing to get in a situation where you need to write one and don’t know how to go about it. There are no hard and fast rules to writing application letters and the make-up is often similar. The following steps will be sure to guide you on how to write one: 1. First foot, best foot: A letter of application is very likely the first correspondence you will have with the recipient of the letter. Often times, it will determine whether you will be granted audience or not. Bearing this in mind, it is necessary that you take time and care with your application. Make it presentable and ensure that it is clear, easy to read and not ambiguous in any way. 2. Mind your language: The tone of an application letter should be formal. Words and sentences should be kept on a very formal level. There is no room for slangs, vernacular, shortened words or the like. The conclusion should also be formal. Where the name of the addressee is not known, begin with “Dear sir/madam”. Ensure you go straight to the point, introduce yourself appropriately as well as the purpose of your letter and avoid any tale telling. The nature of your writing language will determine how seriously the application will be taken. 3. Mind your grammar: When writing an application letter, always check spellings and watch your grammar. Get someone to proof read it for any errors before you send it. Grammatical errors can very easily slip your notice and so it is preferable to read your letter at least twice after completion. 4.  Content positioning: This is also very important in application letter writing. Know where to put what. This is in terms of the date, salutation, heading, body and conclusion. Know what styles are in vogue and what is obsolete. All of these factors are important and should be carefully taken into consideration. 5. Presentation matters: A famous slogan says that “packaging is everything”. When sending an application letter, make sure it looks worthy of being read. In situations where it is expressly stated that you use your handwriting, it is often preferred that you type the document using standard typing guidelines. It is more legible and way neater that way, especially if you’re not gifted with pleasant handwriting. Also, put the letter and any other associated documents in an envelope before sending it. Knowing how to write an application letter is an invaluable skill to have and you never know, it may come in handy when you least expect it so do yourself some good and practice writing one today.

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This article was first published on 22nd June 2014

Comments (6)

6 thoughts on “How to Write a Standard Application Letter”

  • this page is very useful.benefial.special thank goes to building founder of that page.

  • this page is very useful,educative nd it has a well guidelines for letter it will be advisable if examples of the letters can be included.

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