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Some people find it hard to win arguments without hating, throwing blows and getting personal. Others get easily distracted, ridicule, deliberately provoke or counter a person’s strong arguments with weak ones because they have not mastered the art. Winning arguments is an art that can be cultivated and developed. Here are some few tips to observe religiously when you find yourself in an argument you want to win with honour: 1. Listen Effectively: This is one of the areas your effective listening antenna should be active. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. It is easier to observe flaws in someone’s viewpoint when you listen carefully. The other person can also bring to your awareness something you did not know before. 2. Agree to a Good Point: When some people argue, they argue deafly without even listening to the good points the other person is making. The best way to counter an argument is to agree with valid points then outweigh the point with a different argument. 3. Be Logical and Factual: The best way to win arguments is to stay detached and give points to aid your arguments that are logical and factual. Because your points are accurate and objective, it is hard for the other person to refute. When you carefully build your case and show how ideas lead into each other, the other person’s viewpoint will have no option but to succumb; that is if their argument is not equally strong. 4. Ask Questions: With the right questions, you can control an argument and make the other person bother about the answers. Questions can be used in way that will challenge the other person’s viewpoint and are highly effective when the other person is not expecting them. 5. Compromise: When two arguments are equally strong then you can also equally admit that the other person has mastered the art of winning arguments. A good bond of friendship can start right there. You both should rest your case and go have coffee.   I found this video from Business Insider quite inspiring. Enjoy:       Photo Credit:    

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This article was first published on 12th August 2015

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