The thought of networking at industry-specific or general events sometimes can be overwhelming. However, if you can learn how to meet new people, share information with them and generally present yourself as the value, it can become the game changer for your personal and professional brand altogether. This Friday, April 28, 2023, we’ll be hosting another edition of the Connect Nigeria Business Mixer Event at Victoria Island, Lagos. The CN Business Mixer or #BizMix as we love to call it is an ample opportunity as well as a great time to network with Industry experts, Business leaders, Enthusiasts, Investors and Policy Makers. The Business Mixer is always a fun event and we’ve had lots of testimonials of profitable partnerships, increased revenues and expanded customer reach from those who have attended. These great testimonials were possible because they chose to network. See this testimonial about the power of connecting at the Business Mixer: If you are an introvert, networking in public can be a daunting experience for you. If you have also tried to network before but it didn’t turn out right, you might also feel a type of way about trying it out again. But this is why we are going to help you prepare adequately before you attend the Business Mixer This Friday.

Set Networking Goals 

What do you want to achieve from the event? How do you want to ensure you make the most of your time at the event? Are you looking to make new connections, find potential clients, or learn about industry trends? These are questions that should form your goal-setting document. Having a clear idea of your goals can help you focus on your networking efforts and make the most of your time. The kinds of goals you set will help you look the path. Goals have a way of instilling confidence in you and that’s one thing you don’t want to leave behind when attending and networking at BizMix.

Prepare Your Elevator Pitch

Let’s say you have just 30 seconds to explain who you are and what you do, what would you say? That’s your elevator pitch. Go straight to the point, speak in clear terms and use words that will stir even more questions. This will help you make a strong first impression when meeting new people.  

Be Proactive and Approachable – Leave Impostor Syndrome Out

Have you ever been to an event and it’s time to network but you find people just sitting by themselves waiting for others to come meet them? Don’t be that person. Don’t wait for others to approach you – take the initiative and introduce yourself to other attendees. Be confident, friendly, and approachable. Wear confidence on your sleeves and show how genuine interest in what others are saying. Don’t bow your head punching your phone, instead look for opportunities to start conversations and approach others who look open to meeting new people.

Ask Open-ended Questions

When meeting someone new, start by asking open-ended questions that allow the other person to talk about themselves. Ask about their job, goals, interests, or experiences related to the event. This will help you get to know the person and find common ground for future conversation.

Listen actively 

Don’t just care to be listened to. Be truly interested in listening to others. Once you arrive at the event, sometimes it is proactive to have looked around to see who you’ll like to make a connection with. If you get their attention, listen to them actively.  Avoid interrupting, and ask follow-up questions to show that you are engaged in the conversation.

Keep it Short and Sweet

No one goes to a networking event with the mind to spend most of their day with one person. Keep your conversation sweet and simple. Creating a lasting impression is what really matters so make one. Avoid making the person you are connecting with lose track of the conversation. Allow them connect with others too.
Business Mixer

Have A Positive Energy

Be ready to be snubbed or treated rudely by some of the people while trying to connect at the event. However, that should not discourage you from connecting with others. Sometimes, people don’t snub intentionally and even if they do, keep your high spirits up and have a positive energy. Remember that other people have their networking goals and would also be looking to smash them.

Come with a plus one

This is essential, especially if you are introverted or shy. If you have difficulty approaching people for conversations, going with another person may give you some extra boost. The downside of this is that you might end up sitting with your plus one which defeats the whole essence of attending the event. So share your goals with your plus one and let them be your accountability partner. By the time the event is done, both of you should have made better use of your time meeting others than just sitting and gisting alone.

Exchange Contacts and Follow up

After the event, ensure you follow up with the people you met. Send a brief email, WhatsApp or LinkedIn message thanking them for their time and expressing your interest in collaborating or doing business together.

Stay Visible

Networking is about making new connections and nurturing relationships. You can only do this if you remain in their sight. Out of sight you know they say is out of mind. So keep in touch with the people you meet by connecting with them on their social media platforms. Remember to engage with your network’s content to stay on their radar and also keep them engaged by sharing relevant news, insights, or opportunities that might be of interest to them.
The above networking tips should help you connect effortlessly as you plan to be at the CN Business Mixer This Friday. Register to attend the Business Mixer This Friday at 4PM, April 28, 2023, or call +234 809 800 5000 for any enquiries.  

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This article was first published on 25th April 2023


Adesewa Greg-Ighodaro is a visionary communications professional. She is the Founder of Pine-Empress Creatives Concepts LTD where she helps individuals and businesses as a media and comms strategist. Adesewa currently helps Faith-based organisations, Churches, and Ministers who use digital media to structure their message for increased influence, impact and income. Find her work at

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