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I love honey! it’s the sweet liquid made by bees from the nectar of flowers. It is a popular natural sweetener. It is valued for its nutritive, medicinal and cosmetic profile.

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Honey is a versatile ingredient. Baking is one of the many interesting things that you can do with it. Even though honey is a great replacement for sugar,  less of it needs to be used in baking otherwise your bakes will be too sweet. The only challenge with using this ingredient is the mess it makes when you’re measuring it out. There’s also the uncertainty which is a direct consequence of the mess as it leaves you wondering whether you got out the exact quantity that the recipe called for or if your measurement fell a little short. Today’s “Tip of the Day” segment tells you how to measure out honey without making a mess. Here are three ways to do that:

Use Heat: This one is as simple as it gets. Dip the measuring spoon in hot water and pour the honey on it. It will slide out smoothly. That’s because honey does not stick to heated spoons.

Use a Plastic Wrap: Line the measuring cup with plastic wrap. Measure the honey into the cup. Gently pull up the plastic wrap and scrape the food off the wrap and into the mixing bowl. Discard the wrap and you’ll have a mess-free cup.

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Oil the Spoon before Measurement: If this is your preferred approach, then, you should go for neutral flavoured oil. Dip a clean spoon into the oil and then pour some honey into the spoon. When you turn the spoon over the mixing bowl, the honey will slide neatly out. One last thing though, pour the honey into the spoon. Do not dip the oily spoon into the honey. If you do so, you’ll get oil into it.

Now that you know three ways to measure out honey without making a mess, all I can say is happy honey baking.


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This article was first published on 9th December 2021


Udevi, Obiamaka Angela holds a Master of Arts degree in History & International Studies. She's a freelance writer with a passion for food and healthy living. She can be contacted through her email address,

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