Post Image   YouTube is fast becoming a money-spinning haven for content creators. However, the dynamics for earning income either as a side hustle or a full-time engagement depends on whether a creator actively livestreams or uploads video content.
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There are thousands of social gamers across the world who Livestream themselves playing exciting video games. Businesses are also getting to harness YouTube live streaming to demonstrate their products/services to end-users or to engage clients. Mobile live streaming has become an ideal tool for building audience engagement in real-time. The beauty of live streaming, however, is that it can also be done with an enabled mobile device. Users who do not have the technical know-how of setting up channelled YouTube Livestream can as well Livestream on YouTube via mobile. Unlike live streaming on other social platforms such as Facebook, the only challenging requirement for newcomers via YouTube live streaming is that users can only Livestream once their channel has reached a minimum of 1000 subscribers. For enthusiasts who already have a thousand subscribers on their YouTube channel, tips highlighted below can further guide on how to Livestream on YouTube using a mobile device.
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  1. Download and install the YouTube app from either Apple’s AppStore for iOS or Google Play for Android users.
  2. The next step to Livestream on YouTube is to enable live streaming on the YouTube Studio dashboard because live streaming is disabled by default on new YouTube channels.
  3. Once you have opened the app, then go to your designated YouTube channel which you may have created using this tip.
  4. Tap on the ‘Create’ button displayed in the middle of your YouTube app interface.
  5. Accept all of the permissions to access your device video and microphone.
  6. Set a title for your Livestream.
  7. You can go to ‘More options’ to add a description to your Live session which is about to stream to your audience and you can also add monetization to the Livestream. You can also set age restrictions, tweak privacy settings, or even schedule a time for your live stream in case you don’t want to go live immediately.
  8. Once you have clicked ‘Next’, an option to take a picture or upload an existing phone for your Livestream thumbnail will be requested of you.
  9. Finally, you may click on ‘Go live’ once you are done with all of these.
  10. When you are done with your live streaming session, click on ‘Finish’ and your Livestream will appear as part of videos on your channel.
Note that most of these settings are only required of you while setting up a fresh YouTube channel for live streaming. After having livestreamed once, all you need to do to ‘Go Live’ again is go to your channel and click on ‘Create’ or the ‘Go Live’ option displayed on your YouTube channel page. Featured Image Source: Fiverr
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This article was first published on 23rd August 2021
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Macaddy is mostly a farmer in the day who also dabbles into technology at night, in search of other cutting edge intersections. He's on Twitter @i_fix_you

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