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Every lady loves to look her best for essential functions like weddings (either as the bride, part of the bridal party or asoebi girls), dinner parties, Alumni reunions, baby dedications, celebrating iconic birthdays, and all that jazz. As long as there are pictures to be taken, every woman will want to look stunning. But beauty comes with a price! These days the professional make-up artists (aka MUAs) are not smiling as they tear their bill for potential customers. Beyond being able to pay for the cost of their services, and other miscellaneous expenses, most MUAs also want clients who will make the job a fun experience, and who can be ambassadors for their brand. These clients are usually those with the right attitude which make the make-up artists enjoy working with them. And the truth is, you’ll get a much better deal with a happy MUA than an angry one. When the MUA is relaxed and enjoying the experience, they’ll probably give you the best. So how do you position yourself to be the perfect muse for a professional make-up artist?

1. Know your skin type, what works and doesn’t work for you.

If you have a particular look in mind, let your MUA know. Help your makeup artist get up to speed so they can make informed decisions as regards what to do on your face. Go for a pre-make-up session, if you can, to get a skin test and decide what works for you. There are times where your MUA will tell you ‘you are wrong’ concerning the information you gave. Don’t become offended and make a fuss. Be open minded and give them a chance to try out whatever they have in mind. Also, don’t wait for a function to take good care of your skin. Great skin is the best canvas for a Makeup Artist.

2. Don’t lie.

Because most makeup artists charge more for specific functions, people tend to lie to them about what they need their service for. For example, someone going for a magazine shoot will say they want to get makeup for an everyday look so they can pay less. If you choose to do this, the chances are that the final look might be very disappointing. You may end up looking washed out in pictures. Remember I said ‘Professional Makeup Artist’ not a quack or ‘Learner’. Pros know their onions, so the more open you are regarding the purpose for which you need the make-up, the easier it is for them to give you what you need to look your best for that occasion.

3. Be courteous.

Some people feel because they’re paying for a service they do not owe the service provider any ounce of courtesy. After all, the service provider is only doing their job. Sometimes making a conversation or following instructions might just be what you need to make their work easier. Don’t get so carried away with ongoing chit chat in a busy place that you delay the makeup process by talking when you should be still. I remember overseeing a photo shoot with a Nigerian Actress and in-between makeup transitions; she took a ‘smoke break’. No girl, your cigarette can wait until the session is over. It feels good to see your picture on a make-up artist’s wall of fun jobs because you hit all the right notes as an ideal client. If you love looking great, be an adorable client and win the heart of your MUA and watch them cross seas for you.

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This article was first published on 23rd June 2017


Ann Esievoadje is a freelance writer who is passionate about encouraging a reading culture and personal development. She has authored two books, The Quilt (fiction) and Being Mummy and Me (non-fiction). She manages Pulchra Publishing which offers a content creation/editing, transcription, different forms of writing (including Ghostwriting) service and her blog, Life Love and Anything Goes at You can reach her at

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