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However, before discovering your brand voice, it is important to first identify your audience. When your demographic is in place, you can then tailor your brand to suit their needs. Finding your brand voice is a very complex journey, but certain strategies can make your journey simpler. The key factor in discovering your brand voice is to get creative. Whether you are a start-up or have grown your company into something bigger like an enterprise, you should always aim to have a brand voice. In this article, I discuss three steps towards finding a brand voice for your business. Step One: Create A Persona For Your Business Creating a persona for your business is like giving a character or personality to your business. It is like the business has a life of its own. Therefore, creating a persona for your business lies within your creative power. Your business could sound like a human being with qualities and features. For example, I see Tesla as a youth-friendly brand while Ford sounds so much like an adult. Interestingly, many millennials and Gen Z will prefer a Tesla to a Ford. If you are confused about how to go about this, you can look up role models and model your brand persona after them. If you want to create a fashion designing company, look at the brands you love, see what they are doing and create your taste. For example, still, in the fashion design case study, you might be that brand that promotes indigenous tastes and this might become your identity. You might as well want to blend indigenous with western. Once you have gotten the persona of choice, build your brand’s life around it. Let your brand’s persona be visible in your storylines and activities on and off social media. Social media is the fastest way to display your brand’s voice. Build your brand in such a manner that your audience will easily spot what you stand for. For instance, Coco Channel is all about the feminine class; Nike is all about inspiration and willpower; Google’s brand is friendly, erudite, and academic. It is also Thoughtful. Your brand voice can sound inspiring, thoughtful, inspiring, witty, bold, wise, energetic.Â
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Step Two: Keep Researching To Grow Once you have created your brand persona, another step is to consistently research online, looking at other brands on how they are constantly improving their brand voice. With so many examples, learn from them, copy and modify. Grab all the appealing things you can find on their website and draft yours to suit your audience. The big truth is this: any customer that loves a big brand will certainly love brands that look like it or better than it. There are various platforms to get firsthand experience from leading brands – social media and websites. Look at how they interact with users and compare this to how your competitors react. You may like specific aspects of their online persona, but it’s crucial to imagine how you want your brand to vary and stand out from them. You’ll perhaps discover that you want your business leader persona to be behind your website and pitching documents, for instance, while your spokesperson will be the voice of your social media and customer relations. This will enable you to regulate your business technique, while still making sure they complement each other, enabling you to deliver a cohesive brand voice. Step Three: Get Assessment From Others After you have completed these two steps, get people outside your brand creation process to run an assessment test on your brand persona. You can send a written document to them via email or other models or get them to listen to a short presentation of your business persona. These assessors are to play the role of potential clients and give their feedback. A satisfactory strategy to deduce whether you’ve managed to get the brand voice you wanted is to implore your independent group to select three adjectives to interpret their interactions with you. This will enable you to find whether you are spot on or whether you need to tweak it in certain ways. Featured image source: SmallBizClub
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